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Denki POV:

"I'll take this sleepy head to his dorm room now, thanks for helping me get him back," I smiled at a dreary eyed looking Mina. She yawned and then nodded before giving me a hug and dragging her feet towards the girls building. 

She's not the only exhausted one. We're both emotionally drained from todays events for sure. And the sun is already setting?! What a day...

Kirishima, who was the most drained, had fallen asleep on our way back from the hospital. The nurses had told us that once he awoke from his coma he was good to get back to the school, so long as he rested and iced his head every so often. 

He still hung on my back, completely knocked out as I carried him over to the elevators and up to the 3rd floor. I cringed at the pool of drool forming on my shoulder from his knocked out state.

Don't be like that Denki, this is the least you can do for him. What's a little drool compared to you almost ending your bestfriends life. 

 As the elevator doors opened onto the 3rd level, a stunned Midoriya and Todoroki were waiting on the other side. Their mouths gaped open in surprise. 

"Kirishima's back?! Is he okay? Why are you giving him a piggyback ride?? Did he get hurt!?" Midoriya came rushing to my back frantically and poking at the sleeping Kirishima. 

"HEY KNOCK IT OFF! HE'S FINE!" I whisper screamed. He took a hesitant step back, concern written on his face as he looked at me for an explanation. I sighed, "Lets just say he was pretty drained after a very emotional visit to a certain someone's hospital room.."

Now Todoroki was the startled one, "Wait you mean he already knows about Bakugou?! I thought we all agreed to ease him into that subject when he woke up!" 

"I know, I know! Look it all happened really fast okay? I was an idiot and Kirishima basically flew out of his hospital bed at the mention of Bakugou's name. We didn't expect him to act so crazy all a sudden!" 

Midoriya and Todoroki both raised their eyebrows at this before sharing a look.

Todoroki chuckled, shaking his head. "Well would you look at that. Trapped in a coma for two weeks and the first thing he thinks to do when he wakes up is check on Bakugou." 

Midoriya elbowed him in the ribs while suppressing a giggle of his own. "Todoroki you can't just say that!"

"Ouch- Hey I'm just saying what we're all thinking."

I was dumbfounded at this new revelation. Wait... Kiri and Bakubro..? 

I laughed, "Well I might as well get this kid to a bed before he wakes up and kicks both of your butts for assuming such a thing." They both smirked knowingly at that and walked into the elevator. 

"Let us know when he wakes up!" Midoriya yelled as the elevator doors closed behind me.

...did those two seem closer? 

The hallway was dead quiet as I reached Kirishima's dorm. "Alright Kiri, let's get you to slee- crap!" I stopped in front of his door realizing I didn't have his keys. "...welp, sorry man." I stepped back and with one easy motion, kicked down the door! "Heh.." I smirked to myself, "sometimes it's just toooo easy-"

"Dude.. what on earth~" Kirishima groaned.

Crap! I'm an idiot, of course that would wake him up!

He rubbed his eyes before realizing what he was looking at. "uhhhh, DENKI!!! What did you do to my door?!?!"


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