20.) Empty

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...the next chapter of my life began.

Kiri POV: 

"Thanks you guys, for once I feel like being the brave one! Wish me luck!!"

My heart was beating so loud in my ears, I didn't even hear their reply.

This was it. Either he'll return my feelings or he won't. Either way, I'm planning on ruining this friendship!

I yanked the stairwell door open and started my climb. I would've taken the elevator, but I was way too excited. I needed to burn some energy before I crashed into Bakugou's room and started sputtering nonsense.

"This is either a really good idea, or a really bad one..." I muttered to no one in particular as I reached the third floor. 

I was panting and trying to slow down my breathing as I walked into the hallway. It was quiet, and the rays of sunshine spilling through the windows added to the calming effect. My heart was almost back to a normal pace when I finally reached Bakugou's door.

But that didn't last long. I hovered my fist over the wood, really taking in what I was about to do.

"Holy... just stay calm and speak from your heart or whatever..." I blinked a few times, "I have no idea what I'm doing."

With a sigh, I tossed all my fears out the window and connected my fist to the door. The knock was quiet but I figured he's be able to hear it.

*No Reply*

I knocked again, louder this time.

*Still No Reply*

My stomach twisted and an odd feeling settled over me. Something felt off. I couldn't pinpoint the source of it but it was there.

"Bakugou..? Are you in there?"

*No Reply*

The unsettling feeling grew and I just decided to cut my losses. "I'm coming in alright?" When I didn't hear anything in return, I took that as my cue. Grabbing the nob I shoved the door inwards.

I didn't know why, but I jumped into the room and started frantically searching around.

Empty. It was Empty?? Where could he have possibly gone? I watched him go into the elevator!

"Okay calm down Eiji... maybe he went to somebody else's dorm room. But, everybody is still at school so there was no one for him to have gone too right now. The only reason Denki and Sero were here is because they like the eat lunch in the dormitory kitchen. And he wouldn't have left the dorms. There was no way for him to even leave without me having seen him!" With all the muttering I was doing, I felt like Midoriya.

Then suddenly, fear fill my chest. What if he had another episode?! He shouldn't be alone right now! I need to find him! Wait...

"The elevator!!"

I ran out of Bakugou's room and towards the elevator doors. Frantically pushing the buttons, I awaited its opening. But nothing happened. I jammed the buttons again. Still nothing.

"What is going on?! Don't tell me... is the elevator stuck?! IS HE TRAPPED IN THERE?!" I yanked my phone from my pocket and started dialing numbers.

After a few rings, Mr. Aizawa picked up. "Problem child Number two.... what can I help you with," he mumble in an annoyed tone.

"MR. AIZAWA! THE ELEVATOR IS STUCK AND I THINK BAKUGOU IS STILL INSIDE!" The other end of the line went silent for a moment.

"Is he alone?" The teacher suddenly asked sounding very alert.

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