9.) Oh Great Lord!

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"HEY BAKUGOU! You finally made it!"


Bakugou's POV:

IT'S HIM AGAIN! Oh my- what should I say, should I even speak?! Last time I saw him all he did was yell at me! ....OH NO.... MAYBE WE WERE ENEMIES BEFORE AND HE ACTUALLY HATES M- Wait did someone just say my name?

I tore my eyes from the red haired boy's as I realized that Tape Boy was talking to me, "O-oh yeah! Hi, yeah I did." My mind was racing and my face heated up as I quickly scrambled back onto my feet................ except that I'm an idiot................. and completely forgot................ that my crutches were still on the ground. "OW! CRAP..." I spat as my legs started to give out underneath me. Red Hair shot up from the ground and caught me by my elbows as I regained balance. 

Holy this is embarrassing...!

Red Hairs face twisted into genuine concern. "Wait you still need crutches?! Why?! What's wrong with your legs- ARE THEY GOING TO FALL OFF??" His eyes pierced crazily into mine and he grabbed my shoulders to face him. Okay so maybe we weren't enemies before and WHAT DID HE JUST ASK ME???

Tape Boy ran over, picking up my crutches and handing them to me. Hopping back on, I dumbfoundedly responded to Red Hairs stupid question, "W-what?? No! It's just until my legs feel a little more steady on their own! I'm just lucky nothing's seriously broken..." 

I still had some bandages covering my arms and legs and stuff. Not to mention the thick bandage wrapped around my forehead from where my amnesia came from or something... Great, now I'm gonna have two bumps on my head thanks to Red Hair and his stupid decision to run full sprint through a hallway. 

I glanced over him again. He was standing in front of me pretty awkwardly, obviously not sure what to say or do. It was the first time I'd really payed attention to how he looked other than his familiar red eyes. Oddly enough, the kid was barefoot and in some pretty mangled pjs. Who decides to go out barefoot and in pajamas?

His shirt is what really caught my attention though. I was weirdly drawn to it... Couldn't say why though. It was just a plain black t-shirt with a white skull running down the front of it. 

And then there was his mess of bright red hair. Although it looked like the roots were significantly darker than the rest of his head. The red locks fell around his face, hovering just above his shoulders. The stray hairs covering part of his brilliant red eyes made me kinda irritated... Jeez, this kid can be in pajamas plus have the world's worst bed head and still manage to look this decent? I hardly find that fair... 

Red must've noticed I was staring because he opened his mouth to say something. But before he could speak-

"SACRE BLEU! BAKUGOU'S BACK AT LE DORMS," some sparkly dude with a French accent had appeared and was yelling back to someone behind him. Red turned from me to see the weird boy pointing in our direction. At that moment, a bunch of kids that I vaguely remembered from the hospital came running around the corner where Red had sprinted from. Some of them looked surprised and even a little uneasy at the sight of me... I wouldn't know how to act around me either.

Then, like a bomb, the Alien Chick from yesterday came bursting through the crowd, "HEYYYYY, WELCOME BACK BAKUGOU!!! You need to get resettle into your dorm, right?? Do you even remember what it looks like?! C'MON!! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE WHAT THE LORD EXPLOSION MURDER'S ROOM LOOKED LIKE," she jumped forward at me, tugging my arm and dragging me down the hallway.


At the sight of me getting dragged away by the crazy Alien Chick, Red perked up, "Uh- wait, Mina! Calm down a bi-"

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