Killer on the Loose [CH1]

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"Jimin, you know you can't do these kind of things!" Seokjin said, trying to hold Jimin, he resists with every touch. Seokjin had to bail him from jail, and the bail money wasn't pretty.

" I don't care! Let me do the things I want." Jimin says, facing away from Seokjin. The police caught Jimin vandalising a building, and brought him home today, after he was caught last night.

"What?!" Seokjin screams into the phone.

"I'm really sorry!" Jimin says over the phone, crying. "Please get me out of here. I don't want to be raped."

"For what you did, I think you sh-" Seokjin stopped his sentence. He probably shouldn't say that to Jimin, but if the offices heard what he said, he'd be sure they'd have a good laugh about it.

"-ould come home, but you're going to get a big lecture and grounding for this, you know."

"Okay, okay! Just get me out of here before those pedos touch me! I'm only 25! At least I actually have a life to live!" Jimin says.

"Is that an insult?" Seokjin thinks, but shrugs it off. "Sure then. What's the bail money?"

"It's 10,000." The officer can be heard in the distance.

"Hey, we're rich. We can totally-" Jimin tries to speak but gets interrupted.

"Excuse me? Jimin, can I speak to the officer, please?" Seokjin says, gritting his teeth.

Jimin can be heard talking to the officer and handing the phone over.

"Yes?" The officer says.

"Why is the bail so much?! Can you not make it lower?" Seokjin asks.

"Sir, you have to understand, the damages on the building totaled to around 10,000. He needs to pay them back."

"Was it seriously that much. Paint doesn't cost a lot, and plus... He didn't do that much, right?"

"It was around the whole building. Therefore, we will not lower the bail."

"...Fine, I'll pay the bail."

"Good." The officer ends the call.

"Will I be free?" Jimin asks.

"Yes." The officer says, walking away.

"What did I get myself into...?" Jimin asks himself.

" But you can't just be a rebel like this. I don't want you joining gangs or anything of the sort, if you haven't done so yet!" Seokjin tries to explain, but Jimin doesn't have it.

" Jin. It's my life, my decision."

" Can you at least take my opinion into consideration?"

" No. Your opinion is irrelevant to me. Go away." Jimin says, facing back at Seokjin, who's in disbelief.

" Well.. you can't be like this! I just wanted to tell you that." Seokjin says, feeling a bit frustrated by Jimin's stubbornness.

Jimin rolls his eyes, breaking eye contact with Seokjin. " Ugh! You always have to be in my business. Why can't you just lay easy on me for once, huh?!" Jimin snaps.

" He's right. You really shouldn't do this kind of things.. especially at your age." Namjoon adds, walking in. They both look to see Namjoon. " Joonie!" Seokjin says, hugging Namjoon. Namjoon hugs back, smiling.

" Can you not?'' Jimin throws in vomiting sounds to show how disgusted he really is. Seokjin rolls his eyes while Namjoon tries to explain to Jimin.

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