Odd Memories [CH9]

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Gore Warning! I will put *** when there's a gore part!

Namjoon ran up to both of them, trying to separate them. They were fighting, and Namjoon obviously didn't want that. He tried to tear them apart as they kept fighting, and soon Namjoon spread them apart. But it was too late. Yoongi was already passed out and Jungkook was in shock, staring at Yoongi's body lying on the ground. Namjoon stares at Jungkook with an intense look in his eyes. They know what they have to do, and they have to do it now. With one pull and the force of gravity, they've picked up Yoongi and headed for the car. They lazily threw Yoongi in the car, getting inside and buckling their seatbelts. They now have to drive to the hospital, and explain everything that has happened.

"Namjoon... You're not really going to tell them what happened, are you?" Jungkook asked, nervous. He stares at the road as Namjoon gives him a glance.

"Jungkook... We should just tell them that you two got mugged or something. I don't want them knowing that you guys fought. Do you want to be arrested? And id we don't say anything, they'll be thinking that we abused him. Y'know, since everyone in our neighbourhood is scared of us and our house. No one has even come close to our house... Not even the garbage truck!" Namjoon said, chuckling at his own joke. "Nothing really matters anymore. Everything is ruined. Everyone is ruined." He said, sadly staring away at the window. As Jungkook turned, Jungkook thought about all the things that has happened to them.

Finding Seokjin's body... and Taehyung's... And Jimin's... And now both Hoseok and Yoongi are gonna be stuck in the hospital. Jungkook had to think for himself for once. He had to wonder if... all this was really his fault. Did he kill Seokjin, but didn't remember it? He had the book that Taehyung gave him, but... Maybe Taehyung actually saw him, instead? It scared Jungkook to know that... maybe if he wasn't so busy playing games with Taehyung, maybe if he instead hung out with Seokjin, would any of this have happened? Jungkook was sure that everyone was thinking what he was thinking. If they had just hung out with Seokjin, maybe he wouldn't have died.

He shakes his thoughts off. He shouldn't be thinking of this kind of stuff while driving. It wouldn't help the both of them. They soon reached the hospital, getting out of the car and also picking up Yoongi. They walked inside, all eyes turning to the three of them.

"Hello, welcome to- What happened to him?! Is he okay?!" The receptionist screamed, seeing Yoongi's body. There were purple bruises on his face, neck, chest, and arms. There were cuts and gashes pretty much everywhere, and Yoongi was unnervingly pale. Namjoon sighed as the emergency doctors snatched Yoongi out of his arms and took him away, somewhere else. Jungkook was also taken away, as he also had gashes, cuts, and bruises on his body.

"Oh, by the way, are you familiar with someone called Jung Hoseok?" The receptionist, who had almost calmed down, asked.

"Yes, I know him. I'm a friend of his." Namjoon said. The receptionist smiled, getting up and walking away into a hallway, leaving Namjoon confused. But as quickly as they had left, they came back with Hoseok. Hoseok was walking with the receptionist, a bandage wrapped around his head.

"Hoseok has healed in the hospital. It was a fast recovery. Hoseok, you are officially discharged from the hospital!" Hoseok thanked the receptionist, walking over to Namjoon, in hospital clothes. Together, they walked out of the hospital, and got into the car.

As they put on their seatbelts, Hoseok can't help but ask why Namjoon even bothered to come to the hospital. "Hey... Why did you come here, anyway?" He asks, starting the car.

"Well... while you were in the hospital, me, Yoongi, and Jungkook were investigating Jimin's death. We couldn't find much, so Yoongi got pissed and called us useless. Then Jungkook got angry and started fighting Yoongi, and I had to bring them both to the hospital. Nothing much." Namjoon said, staring at the window beside him. "Lately, it seems everything has gone to hell."

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