Investigation Time! [CH2]

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"What? No. It can't be one of us, right?" Jimin sputters out, worried.

"I don't know. We have to find out, somehow." Jungkook says, determined.

"How?" Taehyung asks, curious. Everyone else glances at Yoongi, who gives them a puzzled look.

"What? Me? Alright then." Yoongi says. It was obvious. They couldn't count how many times they've seen \heard Yoongi talk about investigation and cases. It was his chance to shine.

"So...what do we do?" Hoseok asks.

"Well... Hoseok and I will watch over Seokjin's body." Yoongi says, looking at Hoseok.

He looks at Jimin and Taehyung. "You guys call Jackson. We have to dispose of the body and register Seokjin as dead. Also, there's some things we need to cancel."

He then looks at Jungkook. "You..." Yoongi pauses, thinking.

"You can comfort Namjoon. He must be so heartbroken by this, you know. Their bond was really strong." Hoseok says, finishing Yoongi's sentence. They nod, then leaving the room.

"Okay. Now that they're gone..." Yoongi says, shutting the door.

"We're going to inspect every part of this room. We need to know everything." Yoongi whispers.

"Oh. You lied to them." Hoseok says, looking away.

"I had to. They don't know anything about investigation." Yoongi says. "Hopefully, we'll be able to solve this. We can't mess up a single thing."

"Okay. Any information on this?"

"So far I've determined that he died from something to the heart. Like, a stab wound or maybe something else? There's blood on the bed, and I'm not sure if he died there or if he had an injury there." Yoongi says, not even sparing a glance.

Hoseok looks over at the bed and sees some smeared blood.

He looks back at Yoongi, who wasn't done yet. "Also, could you help me look around? That's all." Yoongi said with a smile, handing him gloves.

Hoseok looks around, trying to investigate.

Investigation Mode: Begin

Hoseok looks around the room. "What should I start with?"

He sees the drawer.

[Yoongi's already looked through it...] Look in the drawer? Yes or No?


Hoseok decides against it. He looks beside it.

He sees the bed.

Look under the bed? Yes or No?


Hoseok looks under the bed, and sees something hidden in the back, with something dripping from it.

Take It? Yes or No?


Hoseok takes it out and inspects it. "A bloody knife. Obviously it's the murder weapon, right?"

Bloody Knife added to Evidence.

"I should tell Yoongi." Hoseok thinks. He walks over to Yoongi.

"Hmm?" [Yoongi wants to know what you want.]


- Bloody Knife -

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