Neglecting the Hope that Lies in All of Us [CH10]

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Slight Gore Warning! I'll put a *** when it starts and when it ends!

"What do you mean Yoongi's dead?!" Jungkook said, freaking out. Was he going to be arrested? Was he going to be charged with murder? Was he... going to prison? Jungkook didn't want that to happen. Sure, he attacked Yoongi and beat him up, but he didn't know that it would kill him! Was he really that strong? He was very, very worried. What if they... What if they found out that Jungkook also..."I-I'm sure it was a mistake. There's no way Yoongi's dead, right?"

"No... The hospital just called me and said that Yoongi died. I think the police are going to arrest you for murder or something, but..." Hoseok seemed troubled in spilling out the words. He just couldn't take it all in. Yoongi, one of his best friends, dead. The one person that helped him through all of this was gone, and somehow... He couldn't be mad at Jungkook. It was a mistake, right? Hoseok turned his head toward the stairs, as he heard a knock on the door. "Oh. That was fast..."

"I don't want to go! Why do I have a be a part of this?" Jungkook screamed. He started to run, leaving Namjoon and Hoseok in a daze. As they stood there they heard footsteps and a slam of a door. They heard the police screaming, and Jungkook screaming, and it was all a mess. Namjoon and Hoseok just glanced at each other and left the room, making sure to close the trapdoor and hide it under the rug. As they went out of Namjoon's room and down the stairs, Hoseok noticed that Jungkook's room was messy, making Hoseok think that Jungkook presumably tried to hide there... Or maybe hide something. He honestly couldn't care about that right now.

They stopped at the last step of the stairs, noticing that the place was a mess. Jungkook... probably tried hiding in here. Hoseok thought to himself. They felt a slight breeze, and glanced at the front door, which was open. They ignored the mess and went outside, witnessing Jungkook running and the police chasing after him. The two of them glanced at each other, wondering how Jungkook could run from the police. Hoseok just grabbed the doorknob and closed the front door. Namjoon left upstairs, and Hoseok decided to go into Jungkook's room and get the diary.

Hoseok looked around, making sure no one was around to see him. Well, the only person who could see him now is Namjoon. Namjoon seemed very, very suspicious. He couldn't pinpoint what it was, but he was sure that Namjoon had to be Seokjin's killer. As he slowly opened the door, he found the room to be very... messy. He wondered why the room was messy. As he took a step in, he was interrupted by someone.

"Ahem. Are you perhaps looking, for this?" Hoseok turned around, seeing Namjoon standing at the doorway. He was holding a piece of paper which had the word "PLAN" at the top of the paper. Ah, so it wasn't Taehyung's actual diary. Hoseok felt a little relieved, but that didn't last for long as Namjoon started to its contents.


1. Pretend you're dead.

2. Get Jungkook to confirm that you're 'dead'


Namjoon didn't finish his sentence. Hoseok snatched the paper from Namjoon's hands, skimming the paper until the bottom. The words were smudged and scribbled out, but Hoseok knew that the word 'Kill' was there. Did Jimin want to kill someone? Why did he fake his death?

Namjoon snatched the paper from Hoseok's hand, and handed him another piece of paper. It was another list, and Hoseok could tell that this was Jungkook's part of the plan.

'1. Namjoon will 'kill' Jimin. Do the heartbeat stuff, and pretend he's dead

2. When he's buried alive, dig him up and'

was written, but 'get him out of there' was crossed off, instead having the words 'kill him' was written. Hoseok was in shock, trying to comprehend what he just read. "Wait, how is this..."

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