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•The 8 entered the store one by one and were faced by emptiness When they looked around.The store was merely empty with only the worker's and staff who to be honest...Looked somewhat tensed•

Y/n : Why is this store empty? •Y/n suddenly asked looking around the store which was unusually empty•

Jin : oh we just told everyone to leave this place! •He said with a shrug while Y/n looked at him with a raised eyebrow•

Y/n : You mean •She carefully asked as sigh could be heard from beside Jin•

Jungkook : Why would we rent our own store Y/n.? Tch! •He said looking at her making her eyes widen•

'own store? Oh wait they are so rich they can buy anything yeah right' •Y/n thought with a sigh

Namjoon : Earth to Y/n! •He said snapping his fingers in front of her face getting her out of her thoughts•

Y/n : Yeah? •She said shaking her head for zoning out just like that•

Hoseok : Anyway...Which ice cream do you want? •He said as she grabbed a menu and started looking through the different types of fancy ice-creams. While she was looking at the menu...Her eyes landed on a black charcoal ice cream. To her it seemed the least fancy and unique plus it was black•

Y/n : I would like a black charcoal churro soft serve. •She said while closing the menu as the waiter took their orders and left•

•Everyone except Y/n was having a small chit chat while she was silently looking out the window.But then her eyes landed on a small puppy on the middle of the road and a car was about to hit it. Wasting no time she stood up and ran out startling all of the BTS members•

Jin : What the heck? •He said looking at all of his brothers who had the same expression on their faces. They all looked outside and saw Y/n grabbing the puppy on the road and running to the side while a high speed car passed by from inches away. They all gasped and rushed outside to see if she was okay•


•The car went by full speed from beside Y/n while she fell on the ground embracing the puppy ensuring it won't get hurt. Seeing her on the ground BTS hurried towards her checking if she was okay or not•

Yoongi : Y/n are you okay!?

Jin : Are you dumb Y/n!!?

Hoseok : What if you could have gotten hit by the car?!

Namjoon : Were you literally risking your life for a dog? You wanna die this early?! •They all- No the hyung line bombarded her with questions as soon as they reached there while she rolled her eyes hearing all of their questions•

Y/n : First off all..I'm fine! Second...No I'm not dumb and third If I can then yes I would like to die this early. •She said shaking her head in approval while the hyung line face palmed•

Jimin : There she goes again with her death jokes! •He mumbled annoyed while rolling his eyes•

Y/n : Anyway I'm glad I saved the dog so- •She got interrupted when suddenly a mid-aged lady came running towards her with a worried expression•

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