CHAPTER 12 (십이)

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•• SAME DAY ••
•• 6:30 PM ••

•Y/n was peacefully sleeping when a frown appeared on her forehead due to some loud noises. With a groan, she opened her eyes and squinted them, trying to pinpoint where the noises were coming from. She got up groggily before wearing her slippers and making her way downstairs, to see the source of the noise•

•Coming downstairs, her eyes widened when she saw the messy sight unfolding before her. She saw  Jungkook and Taehyung fighting in a game, Jin chasing Namjoon while yelling, Hoseok and Jimin were having a pillow fight which caused all the pillow stuffing to fly around and lastly, Yoongi was busy dozing off with an open mouth•

Y/n : I wonder how he is sleeping in this much noise... •She mumbled under her breath looking at the mess, when Jin acknowledged her presence and looked at her who was looking horrified by the sight•

Jin : Uhhh...did we...wake you...up? •He asked awkwardly, as the other guys also turned towards Jin to see whom he was talking too•

Y/n : Ah nope! It's just my soul standing here. •She sarcastically said making Jin awkwardly chuckle•

Jin : We didn't really intended too...wake you up...but like maybe the noises were a bit too loud? But I apologize from everyone's side! •He said as he did a ninety degree bow which took everyone by surprise, especially Y/n•

'why tf is he bowing to me? What the fuc-'

Y/n : Oh atleast you apologized for it! And thank you for that. But anyway-

Namjoon : Y/n what happened to your nose?! •Namjoon suddenly asked as Y/n looked at him lost, until realising what he meant. She looked at Jimin for a split second, which was observed by everyone, and said•

•even though they all knew.. They just wanted to know what you would looked at jimin for a split second before saying•

Y/n : Oh this...It's nothing..I just bumped into a wall? Yeah! A wall! It's nothing serious tho. •Y/n said with an awkward smile, trying not to look suspicious, while everyone was surprised by her response, especially Jimin, whose eyes on the other hand, widened•

•Even though they all knew that the cause of her bruise was Jimin, they just wanted to know what Y/n would say regarding it. And her not mentioning Jimin's name, took them by surprise•

Y/n : Anyways! I am going to sleep again....because you guys just disturbed my precious sleep! •Y/n said annoyed as they all just nodded awkwardly•

Hoseok : Do sleeping!? I mean like seeing how all the time you are always talking about sleep-

Y/n : Yeah. So?! There is nothing wrong in sleeping. It's actually so refreshing and better than being social. •She said with a shrug•

Yoongi : Finally someone who doesn't look at sleeping like it's gonna make you die or something! •He finally spoke, leaning back on his chair with a sigh as Y/n slightly chuckled•

Y/n : Anyway! Now don't disturb me or come to my room until it's dinner time and we are ACTUALLY gonna have dinner. •She said while squinting her eyes and eyeing them, before making her way back upstairs, as they all turned to look at eachother•

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