The Aftermath

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A huge explosion could be seen from the southern side of the Capital where Commander Thorn was last seen. The aftershock could be felt from the Destroyer containing Anakin Skywalker and Ashoka as they neared their specified landing areas. "That doesn't look good Master." Ashoka said worriedly.

"I know." Anakin replied solemnly before turning to Rex. "Rex gather the men we need to get to the Capital now." Anakin ordered and followed Rex to the hanger and boarded a gunship and made his way to the surface.

"Do you think anyone's survived Master?" Ashoka asked as they landed at the Capital and saw the devastation that had hit. Everywhere you looked there were scorch marks from the previous battles that had taken place and hundreds of makeshift medical tents holding thousands of injured troops and civilians.

"Looks they've been hit pretty bad General." Rex observed as he walked alongside Anakin and Ashoka.

"This is worse than the Council described." Anakin muttered to himself before he swiftly moved out of the way of another load of stretchers carrying more wounded. However, what caught Rex's eye was the armour that a certain wounded soldier was wearing.

"That's Tack battalion Sir." Rex pointed out which only made Anakin frown, confused by what Tack battalion was. "Those are the men serving under Commander Thorn." Rex reiterated which soon turned Anakin's furrowed expression to one of surprise.

"If that's Tack, then where's their Commander?" Anakin thought out loud which made everyone suddenly wonder the same thing. Where on Kithom was Commander Thorn.

Rex, suddenly having an idea, walked over to one of the makeshift med tents in search for one of the troops serving in Tack battalion with Anakin and Ahsoka following behind, curious on what the Clone Captain was about to do. Rex's search didn't last long as the sleek matte black armour came into view. "Vár-kunn mér." Rex excused as he stood beside the edge of one of the Tack soldier's bedsides.

Turning to face the new voice, the soldier was surprised to see a Republic Clone standing beside him. Confused, the soldier tried to sit up wincing in pain as he did so before a medic quickly pushed him back onto the bed. "Þér skulu hvÍla." The medic hurriedly muttered before looking up to see what had startled the soldier.

Seeing that it was a Republic soldier and two Jedi, the medic frowned slightly before shaking his head. "Dauði." The medic muttered as he stared down the Jedi which greatly confused them as well as Rex. Did the Kithomen people really believe such things about the Jedi? "Vel hvat leggjas Þér hí orrostumaðr?" The medic asked Rex ignoring the Jedi completely.

Rex, confused at first, looked to Anakin quickly before answering the medic. "Hertogi Thorn." Rex stated.

To his surprise the medic pointed him in the direction of another tent. "Lægæ Smiles ir gætagl á lýðr þangat." The medic muttered now not looking at the group before going back to tend to other wounded soldiers.

Rex nodded his head in thanks before turning to Anakin and Ahsoka, both of which held confused expressions. "I take it the Jedi aren't popular around this area." Rex stated as the trio walked out of the medic tent.

At first, Anakin brought his hand up to his chin almost mimicking his old master before answering Rex. "I don't blame them." Anakin stated as he looked around solemnly at the amount of dead and wounded soldiers. "We've certain not been of much help in their war." Anakin observed which made Ahsoka frown slightly.

"Master, there wasn't much we could do until the Senet decided to agree to the alliance." Ahsoka pointed out softly noticing how distraught her master had started to become. And it was true, the Senet had despised the Jedi's idea of the alliance with Kithom.

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