Events Log Ten

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"They took Dream back for testing," Sylvee said, not even bothering to let Eret ask. There was something off about that man. She, Will, and Eret were the only ones in the office. Fundy and Niki had taken Techno to train with a sword.

"We need to get these two in their containment unit," Will said.

"I'll take care of it," Eret smiled.

"No offense," Wilbur sighed, "But they don't like you."

Eret grinned, walking over to the taller doctor. He whispered something, and Wilbur's eyes went wide.

"I— I'll leave you to it. C'mon Sylvee," Will said.

Sylvee narrowed her eyes. What would make Wilbur react like that?

As soon as they left, Eret brought the first container, Tubbo's, to one of the empty containment units. They lined both sides of the halls, and the other empty one was directly across from this one.

He left Tubbo's container inside the unit, sealing the airlock behind him and sealing him in alone.

Moving on to the unit across the hall, Tommy was unloaded. Eret brought out the little device that controlled the little boxes, they were cryogenic chambers. The blue button closed and turned on the machine, while the green button woke them up and opened the units.

He hit the green button.

He watched, as Tubbo woke up first, stepping gingerly out of his unit. He looked around wildly, trying to find Tommy. He was waking up as well, startling awake in a flurry. He wheeled around, spotting Tubbo. He let out an anguished yell, throwing himself against the glass.

"T-t-t-tommy?" Tubbo did the same, palms pressed against the unit as if he was trying to push through it.

It was the first time he'd spoken.

Eret smiled, he'd never gotten to experiment with emotional pain in a Hybrid before.

(Yeah, you read that right, a Hybrid.)

Eret had not only been on the team that "captured" Dream in the everglades, but he had also "found" Tommy and Tubbo.

I guess they really found him.

They'd been dependent on eachother as humans, too. British schoolboys, desperate to get away from their lives.

Eret had helped them. Hadn't he?

He brought out a notepad, noting down their reactions. Tommy looked up, noticing Eret at last.

But instead of shrinking back, Tommy came closer to Eret, thorns pushing through his vines. With one finger, he drew a finger across his throat.

Eret noted it down.

Tommy went back to pounding on the glass, then hitting it with his vines, making a powerful whip with it.

Unfortunately, nothing could break that glass. Not even love.

"You two are truly something special," Eret murmured, locking eyes with a terrified Tubbo, walking towards him. He scampered backwards, eyes wide in fear.

He remembered everything that happened before L'Manburg.

Eret sighed, growing bored.

Anguish, grief, anger, the usual with separation anxiety.

He'd have to do something else to elicit a reaction.

He entered the airlock to Tubbo's unit, producing a vial of black liquid. Its scientific name was way to complicated to pronounce, but colloquially it was called Wither.

And out of another pocket, an invention he'd come up with himself. A sort of hyper-spray, a new way of injection that didn't involve needles. The nozzle just had to be pushed against the victim— he meant patient's vein, and the substance would be administered.

He walked towards Tubbo, who knew that vial all too well.

The bangs from Tommy's unit grew louder, enraged shouts and cries that signified the very end of his wits.

"Come here," Eret smiled, as Tubbo tripped over his heels and fell backwards, scrambling away on all fours. Soon enough, he was cornered, and Eret lunged forward with the hyper-spray—


Eret fell to the ground, knocked out cold.

There stood Sylvee, a slightly bloody laptop computer in her hands. She set it down on the ground, and knelt by Tubbo. He lurched forward, hugging her desperately.

"Let's get you back to your friend," She smiled, leading him by the wrist through the airlock and into Tommy's unit.

"T-t-tommy!" Tubbo cried happily, collapsing into Tommy's arms. Vines quickly shot out from his arms, supporting and holding up the bee-boy. He had tear tracks down his cheeks.

Sylvee stood off to the side. Tommy looked at her, and smiled. She left and grabbed Eret's body from the other unit, dragging him unceremoniously through the hall by his foot.

"We heard a yell—" Wilbur rushed into the office just as Sylvee entered, "Oh my god, she's murdered Eret."

Niki, who was behind him, shrugged, "Are we going to say anything?"

Will shook his head slightly, "That guy was sus."

"I didn't kill anyone," Sylvee sighed, "He was... doing something to the SCPs."


"He put Tommy and Tubbo in separate units," She said, seeing the look of outrage on Wilbur and Niki's faces. "He was going to inject Tubbo with this,"

She held out the hyper-spray for Wilbur to inspect.

"This is Wither," Wilbur said, disgusted. "Only the espionage or max-security prison units have this stuff. It's... a torture device."

"What?" Niki shouted, racing off towards Tommy and Tubbo's unit.

Sylvee muttered something to herself.

"So you just... hit him?"

"With my laptop," She monotoned. "No one hurts the SCPs. It's against the Code of Ethics."

"Cool." Wilbur smiled, "Remind me to uh, not make you angry."

She smiled, adjusting her glasses. "I just knew he was up to something,"

"But I wonder why." Wilbur said. "I bet we could find out."

Sylvee nodded.

Uncontainable (DreamTeam SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now