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============== The Present.

"He's been dead for five years."

The world ground to a halt as George stares in horror at the imitator of his lover. "I don't believe you."

His mind spun with the memories of the Agent C. debacle- how could he be sure that this wasn't just another one of the shapeshifter's tricks?

Other-Clay sighed and sat down across from George, glancing at his watch. "I have around nine minutes and forty seconds. What I want you to do is think of a number and a color. Doesn't matter what. I already know what you'll pick because you've told me this before."

George's mouth opened and closed like a fish- how the hell was this man even here? And if it was Clay- or at least, some version of him- what would happen if George made a mistake in not trusting him?

He thinks of his number and color.
Ultraviolet twenty-three.

Other-Clay chuckled and shook his head. "Ultraviolet twenty-three. I might add that ultraviolet isn't an actual color, but- y'know, whatever makes you feel safe."

Now that made George's jaw hit the floor. "What- how did you know that? Are you just a Hybrid with his powers, what are you-"

"Gogy, I need you to listen to me." Other-Clay started to look nervous as he glanced at his watch again.


"I died years before we met." The green-eyed blond started to spew out words, like he was running out of time.


"I was taken into Foundation custody for conducting illegal experiments." His face fell as he started to explain what had actually happened. "Because I wanted to save my sister."

"I- that's impossible, you would never-"

"Emily was exposed to dangerous levels of exposure as a child." Other-Clay continued, holding up a finger for George to be silent. "Our parents were busy when she was younger so I used to have to take her to work with me- at the Foundation. Every time she'd accidentally see an SCP, her memories would be erased and replaced. And once... she was exposed to an SCP that no one should ever see. Should ever touch. Should ever know of."

George fell silent of his own accord. He didn't know why the hell the Foundation would have ordered to take Clay into custody-

"He," Other-Clay gestures to the original lover in George's arms, lifeless. "Doesn't know it yet. He won't remember what happened for weeks. And he'll never forgive himself."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because it's the only way-" He grabbed George's hand with earnest intent. "If I don't come back and save him from Emily, and if you don't know how to end DeVries... it's over."

DeVries?! What the- did Clay have something to do with its creation?!

"What happened to her." George's voice took on a serious tone as he gathered the limp body to his arms, hugging it as if some life would seep back in.


Other-Clay nodded solemnly. "There's a storage facility under Area 51 that houses some of the most dangerous SCPs we know of. One of them, we call the Sheaf of Papers."

George wasn't familiar with that name personally, but from Other-Clay's tone... no bueno.

"Emily was mistaken for a D-Class slated for exposure testing. They took her while I was distracted with something else, and before I knew it-"

Uncontainable (DreamTeam SCP AU)Where stories live. Discover now