Events Log Thirteen

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When Clay woke there was a violent ringing in his head. He stretched, every muscle and tendon stiff.

There was little to no light in the room. Clay sat blinking wildly until his emerald eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Dream had been a creature of the dark, so Clay was now too.

His eyes flitted over a few forms that were stirring gently, waking from whatever had knocked them out.

"Ugh," Nick's voice sounded, "What kind of bull-shittery is this..."

"Is everyone ok?" A woman's voice, it was Sylvee.

"I'm alright," Niki said.

"Banged up but ok," Nick grumbled.

"Let's get some light in here," someone said, it sounded like Wilbur.

Clay screwed his eyes shut, trying to think of a way to generate.

Dream's eyes, they glowed.

He started to shift, and opened his eyes again when he was in his eight-foot form.

A soft green light spilled into the room, just enough to see where everyone was.

Five doctors on the floor slowly waking, and three clear coffin-shaped boxes in the corner. Dream's eyes landed on one in particular, the only one that held a human instead of an SCP.

And one doctor that they'd completely forgotten about, slumped against the wall.

"Fundy?" Niki whispered, horrified.

The unmistakable ears and tail were outlined in the glow. Dream hurriedly made his way to the doctor, rolling him over to see if he was alright.

No blood — that was good.

He listened for a heartbeat, it was there and strong.

"H-he's ok," Dream said, "J-just sleeping."

Wilbur half-dragged him over to where he and Niki were sitting, and propped him up between so that he could lean on either of their shoulders.

Dream scooted closer to the box, using clawed hands to pry the lid open. A puff of chilled air spilled into the room, then George started coughing lightly, sitting up in the box. Dream shifted back to Clay, and threw his arms around George.

"I missed you so much," He whispered softly.

George seized up for a moment before returning the favor in the pitch black of the room. "You've gotten stronger," he remarked, "I can't really breathe."

"Oh sorry," Clay murmured into George's hair, loosening his grip a little.

"We need to get Tommy and Tubbo out," Niki said.

Clay nodded, fumbling in the darkness for the other two lids. He found one, digging his nails under the lip of the lid and hefting with all his strength (which was quite a lot).

Another puff of cold air, and the buzzing of some very sleepy bees could be heard. That had been Tubbo's box.

"Hey," Clay murmured, helping the bee boy to sit, "You're ok, you're safe."

He couldn't see if Tubbo was ok or not, the lack of light was starting to really be a problem.

Clay wondered if he could incorporate some of Dream's traits with his own, like how he had with the claws.

He blinked a couple times, localizing the feeling of morphing behind his eyes.



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