Chapter- tbh idk what number

174 13 3

Tbh the numbers get confusing so I'm just gonna do titles. Such as: 

Chapter: The Death of a God

Schlatt's focus snapped to Wilbur first.

Wilbur shouted something into his earpiece, panicked.

Something about Fundy.

He started to advance as Techno walked towards Zak. The two Hybrids were coming for the two who were shielding everyone else.

Schlatt drew ever closer as Wilbur yelled, "Techno's going crazy because of the chip and Schlatt is here and- OH MY GOD-"

Techno grinned as he drew back his sword, leaping towards the diamond boy-


Zak looked at his arm again, only just catching the diamonds retreating back into his skin. It was like... they knew.

Techno stumbled backwards with the force of the blow, a small chip in the side of his sword.

Tommy and Tubbo were trying to get as far away from the fight as they could, with Tommy dragging the bee-boy backwards.

But just then, Schlatt ran forward and caught hold of Wilbur — too fast for the poor doctor to see coming.

In a second his arm was twisted painfully behind his back, Schlatt holding it at an unnatural angle as tears pricked Wilbur's eyes.

"Schlatt," He hissed through his teeth, "You don't have to do this, please-"

A flicker of doubt — maybe recognition — flashed through Schlatt's eyes.

"SCP-Sch1477!" Aphmau's voice blared.

Schlatt winced as the chip in his neck shocked him back into submission.

Wilbur's eyes widened as his earbud came back to life, he shouted into it again, "FUNDY, YOU HAVE TO HELP US!"




Wilbur cried out, Schlatt dropped him to the floor and went on to some other target. Will tried to get up, cradling his broken arm-

Schlatt turned around and kicked him in the ribs.


Tommy let out an enraged yell, letting go of Tubbo and racing forward — he let loose a volley of thorny whips, ensnaring around Schlatt's arm, waist, one cutting across the ram-hybrid's cheek.

And unfortunately for Tommy, that got his attention.

He touched the cut along his cheek, looking detachedly at the blood.

Tommy held his vines strong, not wavering.

Schlatt turned, taking a hand and gripping onto the thorns that bound him. Red blood dripped from his hand, but it was like he didn't notice.

Tommy's eyes widened, too late-!

The ram yanked hard on the vine around his waist, causing the lighter Tommy to catapult towards him in a flurry of yells.

Schlatt caught him by the neck and slammed him to the floor, leaning all of his weight on the hand around his neck.

"T-" Tommy choked out, a hand reaching out for his friend as he lost his breath, "T-Tubbo..."

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