Chapter 3

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The next day the third year Gryffindor's and and Slytherin's were standing in Herbology. Then Professor Sprout came.

"Good morning everyone."

Then she tapped her wand on the table.

"Good morning everyone!" she said louder.

"Good morning Professor Sprout." they said together.

"Welcome to Greenhouse three today, chaps!" she said. "Now today we're going to repot Mandrakes. Now, who can tell me the properties of the Mandrake?"

Jade raised her hand.

"Yes Ms. Potter."

"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is a powerful restorative," said Jade. "It is used to return people who have been transfigured or cursed to their original state."

"Excellent. Ten points to Slytherin," said Professor Sprout.

They all smiled at each other.

"The Mandrake forms an essential part of most antidotes. It is also, however, dangerous. Who can tell me why?"

Jade's hand narrowly missed Blaise as it shot up again.

"The cry of the Mandrake is fatal to anyone who hears it," she said promptly.

"Precisely. Take another ten points," said Professor Sprout. "Now, the Mandrakes we have here are still very young. But they'll knock you out for several hours which is why I gave you a earmuffs. For complete protection. Now if you'll please put them on."

Everyone started to put them on as told.

"Flaps tight down and watch me closely. You grasp, your mandrake firmly. And take them right outside the pot."

Then it started to cry and everyone covered their ears.

"And then put them in the other pot and put some soil to keep them warm."

It continued to cry making Cormac fall and pass out.

Professor Sprout sighed.

"McLaggen's been neglected by his earmuffs."

Katie looked down at him then looked back at her Professor.

"No ma'am, he's just fainted."

"Yes well, just leave him there. Right on you go. Grasp your mandrake and pull it out!"

Then everyone pulled them out and looked at it. Someone's was very fat and Malfoy was playing with its chin. Then his finger was in its mouth. He pulled it out, whipped it on his top and put the mandrake down.

"You weren't supposed to play with it Draco." Daphne said.

He glared at her.

Nobody in Hogwarts can beat Jade's glare. They had heard of 'the Evan's glare' from their parents that were in school with Lily Evans. They would shiver when they get it sometimes.

The current students do it with Jade now. Even some professors do, especially Snape after being Lily's best friend until what happened fifth year. The students done with their first year will warn the first years about that.

Daphne is the Ice Princess while Jade is the Ice Queen.

A few hours later they were sitting there at the table doing homework when they heard something.

"Hi Henry!"

Jade heard someone say. So she looked up to see what was going on.

Jade uses her map to keep an eye on Henry, Ron and Hermione now to make sure they don't go places they shouldn't. She opens it multiple times all day everyday.

She had owled Sirius and Remus telling them that she would do that. They were relieved and Remus had said that if she was ever a werewolf (which he preys to Merlin she never does) would make an excellent alpha.

Then light came out of nowhere.

Henry was shocked.

"I'm Colin Creevey! I'm in Gryffindor to." Colin said.

"Hi Colin, nice to meet you." he said.

"Say, do you mind if I took a picture with you? It's for my brother, he's a muggleborn like me see." Colin said.

"Sure!" Henry said.

Jade rolled her eyes after hearing that but still looked at them.

Then they took a picture and Colin left.

After that they were in Defense Against the Dark Arts waiting for their new Professor. Then the door opened and everyone looked up.

"Let me introduce your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award — but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" he said chuckling a little.

Katie and Padma leaned on their books in dreamland.

Then he took out his wand.

"Now- be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard kind! You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. All I ask is that you remain calm."

"I must ask you not to scream," said Lockhart in a low voice. "It might provoke them."

Then he uncovered what was under the blanket. They were going all over the lock.

"Cornish pixies?" Cormac said.

"Yes," he said dramatically. "Freshly caught Cornish pixies."

Cormac started laughing.

"Devilish tricky little blighters they can be! Let's see what you make of them!"

He opened them and then everyone jumped up from their seat. Two of them took Crabbe's ears and pulled him on the top light.

"Get me down!" Alex Crabbe said.

"Come on now — round them up, round them up, they're only pixies," Lockhart shouted.

"Get off me!" Daphne said while a pixie pulled her hair.

"No stop hold still!" Theo said and hit it with his book.

Then Lockhart looked around and took out his wand.

"Peskipiksi Pesternomi!"

Then before the spell worked a pixie took it. When it got to the top it hit the dinosaur bones down and another one was on the back.

"Yeeehaaaa!" it yelled.

At the top Lockhart hurried over to a picture of himself while another took it. He pulled it to try and get it but lost it.

"I'll ask you six to just, nip the rest of them back to their case!"

Then he left the room.

"What do we do now?" Blaise asked while he used a book to get them away.

Then Jade stood up and took out her wand.


Then they stopped moving and started floating.

"Why did it have to be me?" Alex asked while he was stuck.

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