Chapter 2

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Before they knew it they were at Kings Cross in a hurry.

"Alright Henry It's 10:58 so let's hurry up." James said.

"Jade you first." Sirius said.

Like her first and second year Sirius is the one that takes her in. She had spent the rest of the summer at Grimauld Place.

So she hurried over to it and went through. Then Sirius went after her.

When she got there she stood there to say goodbye to Sirius.

"Alright pup, like I said last year and first year, have fun and take care of Henry. If they get into any trouble, like you did last year owl either me, Remus, James or Lily." Sirius said.

"Don't worry uncle Padfoot, I will and have a plan on taking closer eye on those three this year. Aden has been keeping me posted on what they're doing last year to." she said.

"Good. Tell Hagrid me and Remus say hello please." he said.

"I will." she said.

Then he gave her a hug and she hopped on the train to find her friends.

While he watched her Sirius sighed and shook his head.

"I'm starting to think I should either bring up custody or maybe even adopt her so she can have a good life. Maybe I should talk to Remus about that." he said.

On the way to school Jade met up with her friends and told them about each other's summer.

Before they knew they were heading to the great hall. When they got there Jade sat next to Pansy.

"Where's Henry?" Theo asked.

To make it easier everyone calls him Theo.

"I don't know." she said.

"There they are." Daphne said.

Then Jade looked at Henry and saw him start to sit down.

"Maybe mum and dad had to flew him?" she said.

The other five people shrugged.

After dinner they went upstairs and went to bed.

Jade Potter and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now