Chapter 7

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The next day while they were having breakfast Hedwig came with a reply from Sirius.

"Alright, let's see what Sirius has for me this time." Jade said.

Then she handed Hedwig some bacon to munch on. She took a deep breath and opened it.

Dear Jade,

I know for a fact you're not the heir of Slytherin part. Neither of your parents were related to him. You're related to the Black from your great grandma but that's all I know of aside from the Evans your aunt Petunia and your cousin Dudley to be exact. Be careful you six. Luckily you can survive because you're a halfblood and the others are pureblood. Uncle Moony said hello by the way. Look out for each other and try to keep the parseltounge in you the best you can Jade.



"Well, at least he's not mad at me." she said.

Before they knew it It was two weeks until Christmas and they were looking at presents.

"Should I start getting Sirius a bone every Christmas?"

They nodded.

"Keep doing it!" Aden said.

"What about Remus?" she said.

"Hmm, maybe a new book? You said he's a bookworm like Granger." Pansy said.

"Sounds good."

So they headed to the book store and pet store.

The next day they were all in he common room waiting for Draco to come back. He had left to find Crabbe and Goyle.

"Found them. They were in the great hall." Draco said and sat down.

Crabbe and Goyle stood there.

"Well sit down." Blaise said.

Then they sat down.

"You'd never know the Weasleys were purebloods, the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the Wizarding world, all of them." Draco said.

Crabbe's face was contorted with fury.

"What's up with you, Crabbe?" snapped Theo asked.

They saw Goyle elbowed him again.

"Stomachache," he grunted.

"You know, I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't reported all these attacks yet," Aden went on thoughtfully. "I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hush it all up. Father's always said old Dumbledore was the worst thing that's ever happened to this place."

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Goyle said.

The six third years and one second year looked at him.

"What? You think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore? Well, do you?" Theo said.

Goyle thought for a second.

"Henry Potter?"

They calmed down and nodded.

"Good one Goyle, you're absolutely right. Saint Henry. And people actually think that I'm the heir of Slytherin? Why not him? He's the Boy-Who-Lived, not me." Jade said.

Jade had a feeling that it was Ron and Henry in polojuice potion.

"But then you must have some idea who's behind it all. . . ." Goyle said.

"You know we haven't, Goyle, I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you, is this yours?" Aden said.

Aden had a small present in his hand.

Goyle shook his head.

"But our father did say this, it's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He didn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So I bet it's a matter of time before one of them's killed this time. . . . as for me, I hope it's Granger," he said.

Crabbe stood up and Goyle held him back.

"What's the matter with you two? You're acting very, odd." Pansy said.

"It's his, stomachache." Goyle said then he turned around and looked at Crabbe.

"Calm down!" he whispered.

Then they saw Crabbe point at Goyle's forehead.

Next they saw Goyle put his hand on it. Then saw him pointing at Crabbe and saw his hair turning red.

Then they covered the places that were changing and hurried out of the room.

"Hey, where're you going?" Blaise called.

When they were gone they looked at each other.

"Those idiots. They used polyjuice potion!" Jade said.

"I bet it was Granger and the reason Snape had lost some of his ingredients." Draco said.

They shook their head.

Like last year Jade wrote to her parents and the Weasley's to tell them what Henry and Ron did.

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