Ch. 1 "Intro"

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                                                 Juniper POV 

It all happened so fast, I was on my way home from Amanda's house just finishing some school work, when the sky light up, 

An a explosion echoed through the sky, 

As this happened a car ended up crashing into a nearby telephone pole, 

I run towards the car, 

"Are you okay?" I asked 

The man got out, 

"Look out!" He yelled 

I turned around seeing one of the wires sparking from the telephone pol and it swung hitting me right in the stomach, 

Causing excruciating pain to run through my entire body, 

Everything went dark, 

                                  Time Skip, 

It has been exactly 12 months since then, I woke up in a weird location I couldn't recall, but where ever I was this man saved me 

Hartly something, anyway he explained everything to me, so me and him are friends, but I keep to myself surviving on the streets, 

According to him that night destroyed so many lives including my family's, my parents were killed along with my older brothers, 

So I am all that is left of my family, Hartly said I seem normal, so no need to worry, but sometimes I'm not so sure, 

I shake it off, Currently I'm running away from a older man, I stole some doughnuts from, 

"Get back here you damn kid!!" He bellowed 

I ducked down an alley where there is a chain link fence, I smirked 

I jumped and climbed the fence, 

"Better luck next time old man!" I said as I ran off, 

I was sitting down on a bench, when I see him, the blur everyone is talking about, 

Hartly calls him a schmuck that always makes me giggle, 

I see him rescuing people from a burning building, 

I see him leaning against a fence, 

I walked over to him, he looked down at me, 

He kneeled in front of me, 

"Your him right?" I asked 

"Yeah, I guess I am," He said smiling at me, 

I smiled back, 

"I'm Juniper," I said holding out my hand, 

"Flash," He said 

He grabbed my hand, and that's when it happened, 

Electric coursed around both of our hands, I withdrew my hand fast, 

He looked shocked, 

"Um, Uh, Bye," I said running away, 

I quickly ducked down at alley, my back pressed against the wall, seeing him speed bye clearly trying to find me, 

What the frack was that? I thought as I made my way back to Hartly to tell him what happened, 

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