Ch. 5 "Advice"

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                                                       Juniper POV 

I was sitting on the lab bed as I kicked my feet back and forth, Caitlyn gave me a cookie for being good so I'm not complaining, 

I nibbled on the food as Cisco placed wires on me, 

"Are you sure this is a good idea after what happened last time," Barry asked 

"That's why I coated them with rubber, Electricity can't run through rubber," Cisco said smirking, 

Cisco put the last wire on me, 

The machine beeped, 

The machine had squiggly lines on it, 

"Incredible, your vitals are running like an electrical current,"  Caitlin said 

"But she's alright, Right?" Barry asked 

"Yes, We'll have to do some research on this, but I assure you Barry Juniper is perfectly fine," Dr. Wells said 

"But what about the.. You know" I said my fingers barely touching Barry's and sparks in the space between our fingers, 

"Right, we haven't exactly figured that one out yet" Cisco said 

"Just don't touch each other for the time being we have no idea what it does to you two," Caitlyn said 

"Noted," Barry said 

Barry looked down at his phone, 

"I have to go," He said and like that he was gone, 

"Cool," I said tilting my head, 

"Come on Juniper how about we get some ice cream," Cisco said 

I smiled jumpping off the table, 

                                       Barry POV 

Joe walked in the house where I was waiting, 

"Barry what's this about?" He asked, 

"Joe what all do you know about kids?" I asked 

He looked at me confused, 

So he started explaining in great detail all that comes along with this, 

"Why do you all a sudden become interested in children Barry?" He asked 

So I told him, 

"Juniper Anderson, I remember that case, I was in charge of trying to find her," Joe said 

I nodded, 

"Well we found her, but she's a meta," I said 

His eyes widen, I nodded, 

So I told him her power, and How when she touched me that I got a surge of energy, 

"Wow, Barry, is that why your so interested in children," He asked 

I nodded, 

"She has nothing left Joe, If I can help her feel less alone than so be it, she's lost everything Joe," I said 

He walked towards me, 

"I get it Barry, but this far exceeds a pet, this is a child, much more advanced, she's going to look to you for everything, and you better know the right answer," Joe said 

"I know what I'm walking into," I said 

"If you do this, your going to need help," He said 

I nodded, 

"Is that your way of saying your going to help me?" I asked 

He nodded, 

"Yeah, I guess it is," He said chuckling 

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