Suna x reader💕

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I got this idea after seeing a tiktok although the only thing that is truly similar is the setting.
The readers gender isn't really mentioned and I used they/them pronouns when needed

3rd person p.o.v
You were at a party with your boyfriend suna. You had gotten in a fight shortly before coming, so you were keeping your distance from eachother. He was over talking to some guys from his volleyball team while you were talking to your close friend.
"I don't even know what the fight was honestly about (f/n), I noticed that he didn't put his clothes in the laundry so I asked him to do it and he told me later... it was a simple task so I asked him to just do it now and it escalated I guess"
"Well, (y/n) if you ask me I think you should get back at him for making it such a big deal"
"What do you mean?"
"Dance with people, make him jealous. Make him want you by his side, maybe he'll get over himself"
"I couldn't do that, what if it goes to far..."
"Oh come on, loosen up. It's a party, who cares if you do something stupid, just blame it on the alcohol."
"Yeah, I think you forget how much I would have to drink for that to be a valid excuse"
"Whatever, I'm going to go dance with the hottie over there, the blond one."
"Atsumu? Ok then, you can try" you said taking a sip out of your cup.
"If he won't dance with me then I'll take his brother" and with that (f/n) walked away.

You stood there drinking and watching as people around you danced, a few pairs making out in the corners of the room. The smell of alcohol was everywhere and it was almost nauseating.

Suddenly a man, probably a few years older than you and clearly very drunk, came over and started talking.
"Hey there~" he purred in your ear, the amount of alcohol coming off his breath made you want to puke.
"What's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone in a place like this, there are a lot of bad guys out there you know"
"Yeah, I do know" you said under your breath.
"Why dont you come with me to my car, we can have some fun in private"

"No thank you" you said, trying to be polite.
"Oh, so your that type I get it."
He placed his hands on your waist and started to kiss your neck. You tried to push him off but he was much stronger than you. This went on for a few minutes before he started to move his hands. One going to your chest and the other to the wall behind you. He started moving the hand on your chest down to you abdomen. Just before he made it to the waistband of your pants he was shoved away. You, on the verge of tears, looked up to see who pushed him. Suna stood in front of you looking extremely pissed, but as soon as he saw the tears in you eyes he realized what was really going on and turned his anger, which was now just blatant rage, towards the man.
"Get the hell out of here before I break your face, asshole" he yelled at the man.
"Oh yeah, how do you plan on doing that. I'm clearly stronger than you" the man said with a smirk.
Suna took a step forward before being held back by kita who had been watching from a few feet away.
"Relax Suna, let us take care of him," he said motioning to the twins behind him, as well as some other members of the team who were taking notice of the situation and coming over. "You make sure that (y/n) is alright, better yet, take them home."
Suna nodded and, although he wanted to knock this dudes lights out, grabbed your hand, dragging you outside and to the car.

Once you were both in he turned the key and put it in drive. You stopped him before he could start driving however.
"Should you really be driving?" You asked, keeping your head down as a way of avoiding his gaze.
"I barely had a sip of my drink and that was only to get Atsumu to shut the hell up." He said and pulled out of the driveway. The ride back to his house, although short, was silent. The only sound being the other cars passing you on the highway and the low sound of the radio that was barely audible.

When you made it back he got out without a word and walked to your side of the car, Opening your door and helping you out. You walked in behind him and followed him to his bedroom. You sat on the bed and played with your hands until a pair of pajamas was shoved into them.
"Go take a shower and put these on" was all he said before going back to the dresser and grabbing something for himself.

You got up and did as told, not wanting to upset him more than you thought he was. You stripped off your clothes that now reaked of alcohol and whatever cheap cologne the man had been wearing, now that you payed more attention it smelled like axe body spray, like the amount an 8th grade boy would wear (🤮)

You turned the shower to hot and got in, not caring that it burned a little. You scrubbed through your hair before rinsing and working on you body. By the time you got out your skin was bright red, but you didn't care.

You got dressed in the t shirt and plaid pajama pants you were given, both a size or two too big. You brushed your hair, then you teeth and put your clothes in the hamper.

Walking out of the bathroom you took note of Suna scrolling on his phone. You went to grab your and walk to the chair at the other side of the room.

Apon noticing your choice of sitting area he stands up and sits on the floor in front of you, looking at your face as you tried once again to avoid his eyes.

"Why are you over here?" He asked quietly, barely above a whisper as to not startle you.
You looked at him before quickly averting your gaze back to the floor in front of you.
"I didnt want to bother you."
"Well you don't so come back so that we can cuddle"
This surprised you as you figured he would still be upset from the argument earlier that evening.
"I thought you were mad at me?" It came out more of a question than a statement.
He looked at you, before placing his head in your lap.
"I'll put all my clothes in the laundry for the whole month if you stop thinking stupid things like that." He said making you giggle.
He smiled at the sound of your laugh, others had told you that it sounded annoying and that they wish you would just stop laughing.. but to him you sounded like an angel. Sure your laugh could rival kuroo's hyena self anyday, but it was YOUR laugh, so it was special.
He stood up, grabbing your hand. He walked you over to the bed before wrapping his arms around you and flopping you both on the bed. Reaching over the the side table he grabbed the remote and turned off the bedroom light. The two of you snuggled for awhile, eventually falling asleep in the comfort of each other's presence.


ok but on a serious note, this is my first one shot so I hope you like it. Please request more if you like🙏 I never have ideas or inspiration so imma need y'all's help if you ever want me to write again😅

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