Goshiki x age dreamer reader

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You had woken up feeling like you wanted to be little but seeing as it was a school day you weren't sure that could happen. The best part about being an age dreamer was that you did have to worry about slipping into little space and not being able to get out. Adulting when you had to was pretty easy for you, even on days that you really wanted to be little.

Today was one of the days were you wanted to just be little all day but instead you had 3 tests and a presentation today. Hooray for you, atleast you had classes with your caregiver/boyfriend goshiki. Alot of people saw him as someone who would be very shy and not-outgoing in a relationship but that wasn't the case. Sure there were times when he got overly embarrassed, but those weren't extremely often.

You made it to school and started towards your classroom. Looking at the time you realized you had just enough to get to you seat before the bell. Goshiki was already there and in his seat. He had most likely been one of the first into the room seeing as he had morning practice.

Class went by slowly but you managed to get through without showing how grumpy you were. You weren't even fully upset do to the fact that you couldn't be little, a big part of it was that you wanted to be little in the first place. You loved being little but you often told yourself that acting childish was bad seeing as you would be a legal adult in a few years. You weren't 7 anymore, even if you wanted to be. Your boyfriend and a few friends were the only one who knew about your little space and you planned on keeping it that way.

When school ended you headed towards the gym to watch the afternoon practice. Goshiki often asked you to stay and watched so after awhile it just became apart of your routine. The coach seemed to have it out for goshiki today, he was getting yelled more than usual and you could tell it was stressing him out. That just made your want to not tell him you were feeling little even bigger. There had a time when goshiki had been overly stressed and you hadn't realized, he had snapped at you and called you annoying, asking wel more like telling you to leave him alone. It hadn't taken him long to realize he did and apologize, and he had asked if you were ok. You told him you were fine and that it didn't matter but it had hit you kinda hard and made you insecure.

When practice was over you walked back to your house with goshiki. You tried not to push any boundaries as he got tense when stressed. It was clear he noticed as usually you would hug him after he was done with practice and hold his hand the whole way home. But today you just waved and started walking, and you weren't even that close to him you were keeping your distance.

When you got back the two of you went up to your room and started doing homework, It took about and hour to finish and neither of you really talked. You started to feel tired so you told him you were taking a nap and asked if he wanted to join you. He said that he would just play on his phone till you woke up, so you went to bed.

You woke up and didn't see goshiki anywhere so you went downstairs to find him watching tv and vaping. You were feeling little still so you acted little. "Dada smoking is bad, you shouldn't do dat"

"Shut the fuck up (y/n) and stop talking like that"
You got confused

"But... dada, I-"

"I said stop it, and quit calling me that it weird"

"But dada, i's not tryin to upset yous"

"Oh my god stop! Is it that hard to shut up!? Your so fucking annoying, why am a dating suck an annoying bitch. I'm on one of the most popular volleyball teams in the prefecture, I could have anyone I want but I chose you! So be grateful and shut up!"

You started to cry, why was he saying that? Sure there were plenty of girls in your year that had asked him out, before and after the two of you got together. But if he really found you so annoying, why did he stay? why did he get with you in the first place?

"Great now your crying, would you just grow up!"

There it was. Probably one of your biggest insecurities and he used it against you. You were now full on sobbing. He started to call your name, but his mouth wasn't moving.



you woke up and looked to your right to see goshiki with a concerned look.

"Are you ok, what's wrong?!"

"M fines" you said, smallness slipping into your voice.

"Are you little baby?"

"Mm, no.."

"I think you are"

"'M notes, I just talking funny. Dats it, I promise"

"Baby, why won't you just tell me your little?"

"Cause I no wantsa make dada upsets wif me again" you said starting to cry again.

"What? Bubs, dada's not mad at you, when was I ever mad at my little one?"

"Earwier yous was mad, yous said I was 'nnoyin an dat I needses to just grow up"

"Bubs, I think you had a bad dream. Dada never said that. I never even thought it"

"But, dada's stwessed and I no wants him to get upset wif me cause I'm supposed to be a big kid. Nots lil'le kid. I's has to be big. It's bad if I lil'le, it's not right" you sobbed at him.

He felt so bad, he was sure that this was mostly if not entirely his fault. He had remembered getting mad one day because of stress caused by exams and practice because it was close to a game. He remembered you trying to tell him that you had been feeling little that day and wanted to cuddle and watch movies, but he had so much piled up stress that he had yelled at you saying to 'fuck off' and 'quite annoying him with your baby stuff'. He hadn't ment to, in reality he loves that your little. He like having someone who relies on him at times but while he knows can take care of themselves when he can't. When he had apologized that day he had asked if you were ok and made should to tell you multiple times that he didn't mean what he said. But now it seems that it stayed in your head these past few months. He had been stressed after practice and was sure you could tell, but unlike that time, this time he wanted to cuddle and take care of you. But you hadn't mentioned being little so he assumed you didn't want to be.

"Is dada mad at me?" You sniffed. You had managed to calm down a bit, seeing as he had been quiet for about 5 minutes.

"Huh? No, no baby dada isn't mad. He's just thinking."

"Oh, i's sorry I didn' tell yous I was feewin lil'le."

"It's ok, it's not your fault. Dada scared you last time, it's dada's fault."


"No buts, can dada make it up to you by making you dino nuggets and getting you banana puffs and juice?"

"Yes! Dino nuggies!"

"Ok, let's go to the kitchen then alright"


The two of you went to the kitchen where you snacked on puffs and juice while he made dino nuggets. When he was done , he took you to the living room and put on your favorite children's movie and the two of you snuggled and ate the nuggets.

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