kita x reader 💕/🌩

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Title: You are my world.
I got this idea from a tiktok
the owner of the tiktok is: @takenbykyotani

You and Kita had been dating for a year, today was your anniversary. It was a saturday and you planned on spending the whole day together.
It was around 8am when you woke up, so you got a quick shower and put on a yellow sweater and skinny jeans.
By the time you were done it was 9:37, Kita was supposed to arrive at 10, so you went to the kitchen to grab a drink and sat in the livingroom to scroll through TikTok.

It wasnt long before you heard a knock at your door. Kita was there in a baby blue, long sleeved vest with a button up underneath and jeans.
"Hey (y/n)," he said when you opened the door. "You look stunning"

"Thank you shin." You said with a smile, as a small blush crept onto your cheeks.

He grabbed your hand leading you out into the slightly chilly air, it was about to be summer but somehow it was still cold. The two of you walked down the street to a little breakfast cafe. You had been to the same place on your first date. Suprising or not, he was actually the one who asked you on the date. He didn't like the idea of simply asking you to be his, so instead he asked you to go on a date and if you liked it then maybe you would have a second one.

After eating at the cafe you went to the fair, the same fair that you had went to on your 5th date. You went on many of the same rides from last year, as well as some of the new ones. By the time you were done, you had been on every ride and eaten something from almost every food stand. You had also played some of the games. Kita won you a small teddy bear, remembering how you once said you couldn't have large stuffed animals as you believed they took up to much space and looked out of place in your room. You had run off to a game not far from the one he was at and got him a whistle, you really tried to get the volleyball they had but you missed by 2 or 3 points everytime and had spent far to much trying.

At 7:36PM Kita grabbed your hand and pointed to the clock not far from where you were standing.
"The fireworks will start soon, go find us a spot. I'm going to get us something to drink, ok?"he asked.

"Alright, just try not to be to long, I wouldn't want to watch without you" you said smiling, before running off.

It took you some time before you found a spot, it just so happened to be the same spot you sat at last year as well. A cute little bench not far from everyone else, but far enough that your weren't bothered by there talking.

You sat for about ten minutes waiting for Kita to come back. The drink stand wasn't far from where you were when he had pointed at the clock, so he should have been back already. Just as you were about to try and call him you noticed him walking towards you........ with only one drink.


When he got to where you were he was about to speak before you cut him off.
"How dare you" you said, squinting your eyes in an act of glaring, although you had done it to yourself in the mirror once and had to admit that you looked.... not as cool as the people in the animes you watch.

He looked at you confused before following your gaze to the cup in his hand. He began to laugh causing you to now be the confused one.
"Please.... please dont be mad at me, it's not what you think." He said, laughing when he tried to start his sentence.
"Then what is it?" You said, fayneing annoyance.
"This," he said reaching the cup towards you, " is yours"

You looked at him, and started to fake cry. "Oh my god, you really are the greatest boyfriend ever."

"But," you said, "what took you so long"

"Well," he started. but the fire works started, frightening you as you had forgotten about them and you hated sudden loud noises.

You shrieked and jumped towards him, almost dropping your drink in the process.
"Ah! Oh my god, you bitch" you said glaring at the sky as if you could hurt it's feelings.
"Haha, are you alright?" Kita asked you.
"I'm fine, what where you saying?"
"Well, I wanted to get you something so," he paused, pulling  small bundle of (f/f).
You looked at him with pure love in your eyes. "Thank you, Shinsuke."

You sat and watched the rest of the fireworks. At one point when there was a break in the fire works, you heard him say something that made your heart flutter.
"You are my world, my dear"

You couldn't believe it, you were actually marrying the love of your life. It was 12 minutes until the ceremony and you were a mess, your hair was half done and your dress had bearly just arrived with your maid of honor who at this point looked like she was the bride.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, the traffic was fucking insane" (bstf/n) said, rushing to get your dress out of its bag. Your bridesmaids finished your hair and helped you slip into your dress. It wasn't a 'formal' wedding dress. It was a Lacey, long sleeved dress. It was (f/c) and it only went below your knee. By the time you were done you only had 52 seconds to get the the aisle. And it isn't easy running in 4 inch heels.

You got to the aisle 12 seconds behind schedule although that didn't seem to matter much as the groomsmen were goofing off(you can assume who they are) yeah, you yelled at the twins to knock it the fuck off. The found you scary as you had whooped both of their asses before so the quit and straightened themselves out, saluting you before grabbing each of their respected bridesmaids and walking down the aisle. When if came time for you to go you where nervous beyond belief, as soon as you stepped out on the aisle all eyes were on you..... so you ran back out.

Kita, who had expected you to do exactly that, started to laugh. Everyone in the room faced him with confusion.
"Don't worry, she'll be out in a minute." He told them, so they looked back at the door.

You calmed yourself... no you didn't, you were still nervous and all those eyes weren't helping. Then you remembered what Kita himself had told you since the proposal.
'Don't think about them, think about me and our friends'
And so you did just that. You walked back out and focused solely on those in front of you. (Bstf/n), Suna, Osamu, Atsumu, Aran, and the rest of them. But mostly... Kita...

Your eyes and his connected halfway down th aisle and you swore that you stopped walking, however that was proven wrong when you found yourself in front of him faster than what you had intended. He looked perfect, and so did you. He had agreed to let you wear whatever you wanted as it was your big day and he wanted you to feel special. He decided to go for a white button up and black pants with a tie. His groomsmen wore the same although they all had (sf/c) shirts instead of white.

The ceremony went by just fine, both of you crying a little and sharing a passionate kiss.

The resseption was a lot of fun, although the Twins did get scolded by Kita for fighting on your wedding day. Suna got a lot of great videos, although he did lie about deleting the one of you falling onto the food table after Atsumu pushed you a bit too hard. You were still very pissed that he ruined your dress. Luckily you had a spare.

When the time arrived for you and your new husband to say your speech's he went first.

His speech was wonderful by the end you had tears in your eyes threatening to fall... and they did with his last sentence. He looked directly into your eyes and said "you are my world, my dear"
Kita woke up at 7am on your 7th wedding anniversary. Like the past 2 years he got a shower, put on a nice shirt with some fancy pants. He had toast with jam for breakfast before He left the house and made his way to the same spot you always meet.

As he walked he remembered his favorite moments with you. The time you had icecream on your face for 5 minutes before he pointed ot out, the time you told him you lerv him because you had been taken to the bar by the twins for your 21st birthday. He hadn't realized when he stopped by the flower shop to get the same bouquet of (f/f) he had bought 3 years in a row. He walked through the gate and up to the stone. That same stone he hated to see but couldn't bring himself to not visit.

He knelt down and placed the flowers on your grave. "You are my world, my dear"

Damn. This turned out to be alot longer than I originally intended. I hope you enjoyed reading, don't forget to request something if you want me to write it.

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