bokuto x akaashi's sibling reader.

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(Y/n) Akaashi, a first year at Itachiyama institute. You were the younger sibling of Keiji Akaashi, better known as fukorodani's amazing setter. You wanted to play volleyball, but you weren't as into it as everyone else. Your brother always mentioned that 'bokuto-san' would say it's because you've never played and that if you did you would just need to wait for your 'badass moment'. But regardless you stuck with being the manager for itachiyama's boys team. They were quite good and despite most people saying it would never happen, you managed to become friends with sakusa kyoomi and his cousin komori. You'd been friends since about a month or two after school started. Sakusa had taken a liking to you as you never got to close without asking if it was ok and if you noticed he was getting upset about a crowd of people, you went out of your way to find him a nice spot away from the majority and if possible you took him to a room with just you, him, and komori.

It had been about 5 months since then so you had started to just call them omi and mori instead of their full names. Today was a day when itachiyama was on a week break from school and practice wouldn't start back up for a few days so you had decided to visit your brother. You got up at 9am, got ready and took the train to fukorodani academy. Ofcourse it didn't take you directly to the school itself but it got you as close as it could making it so you only had to walk for a few minutes until you made it to the front gate. It was only 1 by the time you made it so you decided to walk around, successfully avoiding akaashi before asking an adult in the hallway when the final bell would ring. He told you that it would go off in about 10 minutes, which gave you plenty of time to find the gym and hide before a swarm a high schoolers trampled the tiny kid.

You walked around campus for about 6 or 7 minutes before running into the coach whom you recognized from a previous trip to the school last year. You explained who you were and why you were there, he showed you the way to the gym as well as the best hiding place and promised not to tell anyone you were there. You heard the bell, although it was faint since you were a bit far from the main building.

A few minutes passed before you heard the gym doors open and voices start to speak.

"Konoha, get the nets set up! I'll grab the balls"
'Konoha' laughed, or at least you thought it was him. You were scared to poke your head out and give yourself away.

"I'll grab the balls, haha" anew voice chimed in.

"Shut the fuck up komi"

"Dude, it's not his fault you sound gay"

"Washio, your not helping"

You listened in on their conversation, trying not to laugh, for a few more minutes until the gym doors opened again.


A collection of 'hey, bokuto' and just 'hi' went through the gym.

"Agaashi, throw me a few sets before we start the three on threes"

"Sure" you heard the voice of your brother say. He always sounded so unenthusiastic, but you knew how much he loved volleyball.

You waited for awhile before you heard them start to play the actual games. When you decided they were focused enough to not notice you, you poked your head out and watched.

After a few minutes and some messed up spikes, you noticed that everyone in the gym got this look on their faces.
Then you heard him.

"Akasshi, for the rest of the game...

wow, dramatic much.

"Uh huh, but while I'm not sending the ball to you, could you maybe help us keep it off the floor."
You had to try so hard not to laugh, you always found your brother funny, even when he wasn't in trying to be. Plus the owl looking dude got such a stupid look on his face.

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