Tanaka x trans!chubby!reader

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You had been having a horrible day. You woke up to find that it was not only a dysmorphia day but also a dysphoria day. You were a guy but not many people knew, a few friends but that was it. Your parents didn't know and neither did your boyfriend Tanaka.

You got out of bed and almost immediately caught your reflection in the mirror. Your body. You weren't extremely big per say but you weren't what most would consider skinny. You hated that. you wanted to skinny, but not like the skinny girls. You wanted to be like the guys, you wanted to be able to go out with no shirt without being slut shamed because people saw you as female.

You had boobs and they were big. Some days you didn't mind that, but other days you wished they weren't there. You wanted them to just disappear, today was one of the bad days. You weren't just having problems with your weight, but your body as a whole.

So you did what you could for now. You grabbed two sports bras from your drawer, putting one on normally and the other backwards. It didn't do the greatest job but it was all you could do. You couldn't get a binder as you didn't have much money and you were afraid of your parents finding it.

Your got your school outfit, you hated to dress code. Why did they have to force you to wear a skirt. You didn't mind skirts on most days, even the gender dysphoria days, it's not like clothes have gender. But today it just made you feel way to feminine, so you went over to your vanity and tried to use makeup to give you a slightly more masculine appearance.

When it was time for you to head to school you grabbed a caprisun and a donut before making sure you had your house key and leaving. It was a 10 minute walk but you had time so you opened tiktok and walked slow.

When you got there you tried to make it to class as fast as possible. You loved Tanaka but you did NOT want to see him right now. For once you were happy to only be a first year. It meant you didn't have to worry about Tanaka have your same class.

Time skip

You wer÷dreading the end of the day, you just wanted to go home. You already had enough of being called ms and girl. But knowing Tanaka he would be at the door to your class any minute asking you to come to practice. And being in the same class as kageyama wasn't great. It could be worse, you could be in hinatas class. But kageyama always asked if you were coming to practice because he 'secretly' liked when you praised his sets.

You tried to pack up and get out before either of the boys could get to you. You weren't doing bad, you were almost out of the school grounds when you heard noya.


you sighed, "hey noya, can you tell Tanaka I can't watch practice today? I'm not feeling well." It wasn't a complete lie.

"Oh! Are you sick! I can see if daichi will let Tanaka out of practice for today!"

"No! Um, I don't want him to miss practice. You all need to work on getting better so you can go to nationals and I wouldn't want a small stomachache to set you guys back."

"If you say so. Well I'll go find him! Bye (D/N)!"


You walked home dragging you feet, your mom didn't get off until 11 tonight and your stepdad was supposed to be at work until Tomorrow morning so you had the house to yourself.

You got in and locked the door. heading up to your room, you threw your school bag in a corner and changed into a loose t-shirt that happened to be Tanaka's and a pair of sweatpants. You grabbed your phone and plopped on your bed opting for tiktok instead of homework.

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