• Chapter 00 •

19 1 0

• ° • * 🎀 Natsukashii 🎀 * • ° •

(adj.) expresses a feeling of being attracted to what you have seen or done in the past.
Origin: Japan




The clouds cloaked the blue sky with it's dark, grayish and lonely color. They seem heavy as a light shower pours down from them. Each drop of rain that falls on the glass of my window produced soft beats that sounds like a melody. It has no rhythm, no exact tune... yet they still please my ears like music. They're a very soothing instrument of nature.

I just love how this simple scene of a dim sky and a light rain emits a serene atmosphere. A moment like this is the best for when I write my literary works. My mind is always at ease that nothing ever distracts me from setting down my thoughts in a piece of paper. I feel relaxed, calm and peaceful... Rain might be a symbol of sorrow but for some, it is their source of comfort.

I watch the rain pour down as I sat on the wooden windowsill. Looking outside, the road is empty and none of my neighbors are seen out of their homes. There's nothing interesting to even see there and I'm beginning to feel bored sitting at the same spot for quite some time. Yet, I chose to keep gazing outside a little bit longer. If I do so, then I won't miss her arrival and I'd be able to greet her once she returns...
She was supposed to be home thirty minutes ago but for some reasons, she isn't. I assume it's because of the weather or probably an extra task to be done in work. Whatever might be the reason, I hope she comes back soon.

• ° • * RING RING * • ° •

A familiar tune suddenly broke the silence in my room. It was my phone that's ringing on the desk. 'It might be her...' I thought and quickly rush to reach for the device. Once I checked, it was not the person I expected it to be but my former school mate... my bestfriend. I flopped down the side of the bed and answered the call.

"AKAAAAASHIIII!!!" A loud, long scream that boomed from the speaker caused me to flinch. His voice sent a sharp pain to my right ear. I had to put a distance between me and the phone... should've known he was going to do that...

"Hello, Bokuto-san" I replied. "Why did you call? Is there a problem?" As I wait for him to answer, I rub my ear in hopes that it might help soothe the pain.

"Akaashi-san! It's raining!" A different yet familiar voice responds to me. I was able to recognize him quickly for his bubbly tone. "I am aware of that, Hinata."

"We were supposed to practice at the open court but it began to rain and went splashing down like swshhhh!!" He explains energetically. Hinata continues to mimick the sound of rain and I can't help but chuckle at his story. He still remains childish and enthusiastic like he was before.

"Akaashiii!! Can you make the rain stop, pleasee~?" Bokuto whined from the background. I almost vaguely heard what he said due to the little one's swish swoosh noises. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Bokuto-san."

I find it silly... He is also still the same guy even after the passing of 7 years. I can't help but let a little grin curve my lips. "Don't worry though, Bokuto-san. I'm sure there's a much wider and better covered courts you can practice in instead." Hm... I guess I'm also still the same guy comforting him after all this years to.

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