• Chapter 03 •

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• ° • * 🎀 Kori 🎀 * • ° •

(n.) Ice
Origin: Japan




I was told to take an unwanted break with the most loudest member of the team. He ran his mouth endlessly, asking the same question for what seemed to be the hundreth time now. Along with that, he continuously slams his heavy hand on my back as I try to sip a drink from my water bottle.

"Akaashi, please! Tell me!" Bokuto whines and I ignored him like I always do. He's making a fuss again over a topic that is nothing but nonsense. I know I'm used to his childlike personality so I didn't expect to feel so annoyed by him right now.

"Akaashi! Just tell me why you keep looking at her?!" Bokuto slaps my back at the exact moment I was swallowing my water. It went down the wrong way and I immediately tried to clear my throat. "B-Bokuto-san?!" I manage to utter his name in between my coughing.

Bokuto began to rub my back gently to help. He looked scared with what happened but at least he finally stopped pestering me. "I'm sorry... I was really curious to know since you rarely pay attention to anyone like that."

"I'm not paying any attention to her. I don't have any reasons to do so." I explained as soon as I felt like my throat was feeling better. "Besides, I'm too busy with performing a proper toss to even mind anything else."

There was a look of uncertainty etched on his face before he directs his eyes to something else. "You can't do a proper set if your eyes are not entirely focused on the ball, you know." He smirks as he watched the newly arrived members practicing on the court.

He seems so confident with his claims that even I'm starting to doubt myself. To be honest, my mind was still clouded with thoughts when we were practicing. That made it hard for me to concentrate and to even mind what I was doing.

"So" Bokuto trailed off after hearing no response from me. "Why were you even looking at her? Does she bother you or something?"

I have no idea, honestly. I'm not even sure if he really did notice me shifting my eyes occasionally. "I don't know." I reply to him plainly. "There is one thing I am certain of, though."

"Oh? What is it?" Bokuto looks at me with interest as he awaits for my reply. "I still think Y/o/n is very odd." I said and to my suprise, he nods in agreement with me. "Yea! I think the way she limits her words is what's weird."

He noticed it to. I thought I was the only one who took note of that behavior. That's a relief, I'm kind of getting worried with how much I'm overthinking about her. It's getting ridiculous. "What exactly do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"Well, she always compliments me but she does not compliment me because her compliment doesn't sound like a compliment but it's still a compliment because her words are like complimenting me but at the same time it's not really a compliment and I think it's strange." He rests his head on his hands and said his answer.

"You mean you think that she's complementing you but she rephrases her words and it all end up sounding rude?" I asked him. It didn't take very long for me to clarify everything in my head. "Yep." He replied.

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