• Chapter 04 •

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• ° • * 🎀 mushi suru 🎀 * • ° •

(v.) to ignore; to dismiss as of little importance
Origin: Japan




The ringing school bell reminded everyone that the day is finally over. Its a blaring and quite a deafening sound yet it pleases everyone in the building. My classmates rushed out along with other students from other classes and crowded the corridors.

I stayed inside with the rest to finish packing my things up. I took the books out and returned them in my spot at the cubby hole shelves. Those were the books I used to review for the tests and I want to take them out so I won't have to carry so much.

Speaking of the exams, it ended three days ago. I must say, I did very well and I'm satisfied with the results I got. I just wish my friends felt the same way I did when they received their scores. Most of them failed on some subjects, especially Bokuto.

Because of that, majority of the club members were required to take the make-up test. It's a thing the faculty came up with to give their students a second chance. Even though it's a good idea, they scheduled it on the wrong day! At least, for us.

The make-up exam will be today right after dismissal, the same time as practice before our long awaited match begins. There's a new team from Washihara High, a newly established highschool, and today's our first match with them.

After the team heard the news about the make up test, it was difficult dealing with Bokuto while he was in emo mode. I had to exert more effort just so I could comfort him and get him pumped up again for practice. The others were as down as he is and wasn't able to perform well in the game. Heck, even the managers were disappointed themselves.

Yukie was ranting to the other girls about how the topics she reviewed didn't appear in the test. Kaori tried her best to calm her down, though. They were also talking about how Y/o/n got the lowest scores among the team. But unlike them, she didn't give that much of a reaction towards her results.

I was very eager to cheer them up since that practice might be the last before the official game. I suggested that we spend our lunch time for practice yet most of them disagreed. Only Bokuto wanted to join in with the idea.

Even though there was only two of us, we still went on with the idea. I waited for Bokuto at the school yard and brought a volleyball with me. He came a few minutes later with someone else that I didn't expect.

"Hey! Sorry I'm a bit late!" Bokuto huffed as he rested his hands on his knees. While he was busy catching his breath, I looked behind him and found (e/c) eyes already staring onto mine.

"Y/o/n told me she wanted to watch our practice so she came along with me!" Bokuto broke our eye contact and blocked my view of her. He slung his arm around my shoulders and starts to push me along with him to a wider area of the yard. "Why did you let her come with us?" I whispered in his ear.

"I told her we're fine by ourselves but she was really pushy about it! I had no choice!" He whispered back as he continues to drag me with him. "I know you're not in good terms with her but she was really scary! I couldn't say no!"

"It's alright. I'll just ignore her like usual." I sighed sharply as I took his arm off my shoulders. We both reached the area and immediately went with the practice. Since there was only the two of us, there's not much to rehearse but repetitively tossing and spiking the ball.

As we work with the different moves and hand signals we made, Y/o/n was simply watching us like she said she would. She still has that habit of examining the surroundings and being unnecessarily cautious. She's a big help, though. She kept chasing the ball when it rolls away the area and she handed over dry towels and cool drinks she got in a nearby vending machine.

I still wonder why she decided to come with us when she could've joined the others to review for the make-up test? And why did she decline when she needed my offer after all. She wasted her chance of getting a high grade just so she can keep her pride high. It's kind of dumb, if you ask me.

Her grades must be the least of her worries just like how she's the least of mine. Y/o/n can mind her own business like how I can mind my own. Ever since that time back in the gym, I decided to just distance myself from her and focus on more important things. Things that are more efficient than trying to decipher a mysterious person who probably doesn't even care for my existence.

We ended practice and spent the rest of the break to eat. It wasn't a very satisfying rehearsal since we lack members but at least we learned a thing or two from it. I guess that's good enough.

"Akaashi-kun~!!" The girl that seats a few rows away from mine, Atsuko, chimes as she skipped her way to my table. As soon as she was close enough, she hands out the notebook I lent her before. "I just want to return your notes! Thanks for letting me borrow them!"

"No problem." I took the book from her and placed it in my bag. Atsuko stayed on her spot and her lips kept closing and parting as if she was attempting to say something. "Is there anything else you need?" I asked.

"I found out a while ago that the volleyball club has a match with a new team. I won't be able to watch it so I'll just wish you guys goodluck!" She cheerfully flashed me a bright smile and I gladly return it to her. "Thanks. We'll do our best." With that, she took her bag and rushed out of the room.

It's about time I leave, myself so I can reach the gym on time. I made sure my jersey is with me before heading out of the room. As soon as I slid the door open, I was met by a crowd of students still keeping the corridors crammed.

Some students were just unconcerned about standing there and blocking the narrow path. Others couldn't pass through thanks to them deciding to stay and keep the corridors jam-packed. I didn't have enough time to wait for the crowd to minimize so I don't have much of a choice but to squeeze my way out.

As I was trying to ger out of this clustered space, I faintly saw a glimpse of a familiar (h/c) locks among the crowd. It's her and she was heading this way really quickly. As soon as she got close to me, she took me by the wrist and began dragging me in a different direction. Her grip was tight and it was painful.

"Hey! Where are you taking me?"

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