• Chapter 02 •

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• ° • * 🎀 Tokuiten 🎀 * • ° •

(adj.) singular point; an odd or peculiar habit; the quality or state of being singular
Origin: Japan




Time flies by so fast, doesn't it?

It is as if everything happened just a day ago. We were having a few lessons here, a couple of seatworks there and it's already the start of examination week.

Today is our last practice before our week-long break begins. The school wants all students to focus on reviewing so they cease club activities during exam weeks. It's part of the rules that all must follow.

But of course, our dear captain doesn't abide by that regulation. Bokuto doesn't let a day pass by without leveling up his volleyball skills. He's the type who's fine with failing grades as long as he can continue slamming balls down the other side of the net.

I admit that his overflowing passion for the said sport is admirable. Yet, I do get affected with it sometimes. He would always interrupt my study sessions and invite me to help him practice. Even though it's against my will, I can't reject his request. I'd feel really bad if I'm the reason his emo personality shows up.

With this incoming exam week, I doubt it will be any different from last time. That's why I must manage my time properly if I want to review and practice well.

While waiting for the others to arrive, I decided to use this allotted time to scan my notes. I want to fully focus on the important infos of each lesson cause they might appear on the test. A few minutes could be enough for me to do just that. It'll really help lessen work for me to do once I get home.


Suddenly, a loud yell came from the other side of the gym. I immediatley looked up from my notebook to see what happened.

I saw Y/o/n fall down on the floor with a loud thud. Her hands quickly cupped her right cheek as she hid her face from everyone. They all ran hurriedly towards her to check if she's alright.

It seems like a stray volleyball collided with her face. The impact must be really painful for her to fall on her bottom like that. It might even leave a bruise on her cheek.

"Y/o/n! I'm really sorry! A-are you okay?!" Komi kneels down and tries to catch a glimpse of her face. "I-I'm okay!" She replied and tried to reassure everyone.

"No you're not!" Shirofuku pried her hands off which revealed the forming bruise on her face. "See! You're hurt!" She exclaims. Suzumeda helped Y/o/n to stand up as she accompanies her to the bleachers. "Come, we'll patch you up!"

"I'm really sorry, Y/o/n!" Komi follows behind and bows as an apology. She turns to him, her bright smile present on her features. "It's fine! Be careful next time so you won't hurt others, okay?"

Our libero's face lit up as he returned her smile with a toothy grin. "Got it!"
With that, Komi went back with the other players to continue whatever they were doing before.

Miss Esoteric •[ Haikyuu!! Akaashi Keiji x reader]•Where stories live. Discover now