• Chapter 05 •

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• ° • * 🎀 Teki 🎀 * • ° •

(v.) an enemy, a foe or an opponent
Origin: Japan




Each of her movements were done with no hesitation at all. She was too quick and too hasty that it was difficult to catch up. I got dragged carelessly behind her as she zooms through the gaps between the crowd.

"Where are you taking me?" I tried asking. As I wait for her reply, I watched my steps and did my best not too stumble on my own feet. It's tough trying to match my pace with hers. "Y/o/n, can we please slow down?" I pleaded yet she seems too occupied to entertain me.

Y/o/n suddenly came to an abrupt stop and caused me to bump on her from behind. She groaned a little from the impact before hurrying to lead me into a different direction. Before we make a turn, she did a quick scan of the area as if she was trying to avoid someone.

"What's going on? What are you doing-?" I asked after I start to notice her posture slowly lowering down as we walk. I had a bad feeling about the way her grip suddenly tighten around my wrist and how her head turns left and right so cautiously. Something just tells me I should follow her movements and so, I lowered myself as much as I can and sneaked through with her.

"Y/o/n, I'd appreciate it a lot if you tell me what's happening. Why are we even heading the wrong way?" I used my free hand to poke on her shoulder and attempt to get an answer. She faced me, a finger pressed between her lips. "Shut up, will you? Just follow me and do as I say."

We continue to slip through as sneakily as we can. The crowd was also a great help in hiding ourselves from someone I don't even know. She leads me quickly to an exit and soon enough we were outside of the building. Y/o/n wasted no time at all and rushed to take the both of us out of the school grounds.

"Wait, hold on!" I yanked on her arm and forced her to stop and face me. She looks mad but I felt just as irritated as she is. "Just tell me what's going on? I have an important match today and I'm not gonna be late for it!"

"This is more important than your stupid match! Just follow me and I'll explain later, okay?" Y/o/n heaved a sigh heavily before taking a hold on my wrist again. She was attempting to pull me along with her yet I kept my feet locked on the ground. "It's not a stupid match. Let go of me!" I demanded as I try to pry my hand off her grip.

I was giving it my all to free myself but she was surprisingly stronger. I kept on telling her to let me go but she wouldn't oblige and kept her hand clenching mine. We stayed there, arguing and pulling on each others arms like little kids.

From out of the blue, an object impulsively zoomed between our faces. We felt a strong blow of wind brush by our cheeks as it passes by. It came so suddenly that we weren't even able to determine what it was.

The arguement we were having halted suddenly and our bodies just froze like still statues. I searched for what it was yet something else already caught my eye. I gasped in shock as the fear starts to arise in me.

There was a huge tear on my sleeve and a long cut found on the exposed skin. It bled continuously, the trails of fresh blood staining the cloth with red as it dripped down my arm. "W-what? What was that?" My lips quivered as I ask.

"Sh*t" She cursed and eyed something from afar. Before I can see what she was gazing at for myself, Y/o/n already took my good arm. She didn't waste anymore time as she began to run, pulling me along with her. "C'mon! You better listen to me this time!"

I followed close behind her as she told me to. I still have no idea where we're headed to but that is the least of my concern now. My thoughts are all scattered and my mind was at a complete loss. Everything was just escalating so hastily that I couldn't process the situation at all.

"Over there!" Y/o/n gestured towards an empty buidling. It was Court C which is another gymnasium still under construction. "They won't get a good aim at us there." She made a quick turn towards the said site as I followed closely.

"Aim? What do you mean? Is somebody shooting at us?!" I asked in a state of panic. My heart continues to pace rapidly out of fear as I continue to press the wound on my arm. If it wasn't for the adrenaline, I would have felt a lot of pain right now.

We soon reached the dark, empty gym. It's interior is a mess with the tools scattered everywhere and dusts covering every surface. Y/o/n lead me to a bleacher at the very corner of the court. We sat down underneath the seats and took advantage of the darkness to further hide ourselves.

Sitting down like this gave me a bit of time to calm myself down. I quickly fished out my handkerchief from my pocket and wrapped it around my arm. The blood almost covered my entire sleeve and this cloth should help cease the bleeding a little.

Thankfully, my thoughts are slowly starting to come together and I'm finally capable of understanding the situation. "That thing back there... it was a bullet?" I asked and hoped for a response. Y/o/n turns to me with the same irritated look she showed me before. "Well, yeah. Thanks to you, they spotted us. We wouldn't be hiding here if you only listened to me."

"We're lucky that's just one. I think we lost the others back at the 2nd years' hallways." Y/o/n explained as she peeks her head out of the bleachers to take watch. "Wait... They?! Others?! There's more of them here?!"

"Shh! Don't worry!" She pressed a finger between my lips to keep me quiet. Afterwards, she slipped her hand underneath her blazer and pulled out something I couldn't recognize cause of the darkness. It was hard to see clearly. "We got something to protect ourselves so you should be fine."


The cocking sound of a gun fills the room as it echoes throughout the entire building. The sound alone helped me realize what she held close to her chest. It is dark and I couldn't see well yet the silhouette of the weapon was enough to return the fear I thought already faded away.


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