• Chapter 06 •

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• ° • * 🎀 Kotoshiki 🎀 * • ° •

(n.) Identity, being who or what a person or thing is
Origin: Japan




It's dark and silent, not much to see even with my eyes wide open and not much to hear aside from our own breath and the sound of metal colliding against each other. It won't take a genius to realize what could be making that odd metallic noises. I don't even need to see to understand the object in her hands.

"How'd you even get that gun inside the campus?" My lips quivered slightly as I asked. Just like the usual, Y/o/n doesn't utter a response nor a single reaction. It's as if my presence was nothing to her. I was irritated by it. "Y/o/n, can you please tell me what's going on?" Is there someone after me? Why are we being shot at?"

"Can you please shut your mouth?" Y/o/n snaps. I felt the annoyance that laced her voice as she whispered. She tends back to her gun, attaching something to it that I couldn't identify. "A while ago, you told me you'll explain to me everything." I reminded her. My sentence came out stern because I was agitated myself.

"Just please tell me what's happening." I pleaded. It took a quick second before I could receive a response from her. "Fine, damnit!" She angrily huffs. "You better listen well because I won't tell you this again." She trails off in a whisper. "Oh and don't freak out." She adds

That short sentence piqued my interest and sparked curiosity. What could be so startling to make me freak out? My face seemed to be stuck at a singular expression, waiting with each anticipation of every second she's not replying. I honestly have never been so impatient before.

Y/o/n took a deep breath. The way she huffed the air out of her lungs gave me hint that what was about to be explained is against her will.

"You have a bounty on your head."

"Wha--!" Before I could react, Y/o/n swiftly covers my mouth with her hand. I was startled with the sudden slam of her palm against my lips but I couldn't care less about it. My mind was clouded with even more questions now than getting answers to my previous ones. "Shh! I told you not to freak out, didn't I?"

"Bounty hunters are after you right now ever since they got informed that a significant amount of money was placed on your head." Y/o/n kept her hand on my mouth to ensure that I won't make even a single squeak. "Apparently a wealthy person with power over money-hungry people wanted to eliminate you from the volleyball team... permanently."

After a moment, she finally released me. She didn't explain any further. I hugged my knees closer to my chest to try and calm down and analyze the info I had so far. Yet, I can't seem to connect the pieces together. "Why do they want to get rid of me?" I just couldn't help but ask

"Obviously cause you're the team's glue." Y/o/n suprisingly responded. I was honestly expecting to be ignored again. "Bokuto is your strongest player yet he becomes helpless without you there. Your other teammates just follows along with what you dictate them to do."

"That doesn't really answer the question." I commented. Y/o/n clicked her tongue, a sign that I irritated her once again. "I don't know what that person wants but all I know is they dont want you to play in the match today so your team will lose."

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