Chapter 17 Day 3

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-December 29th 1985-

-5:30 p.m. Cabin-

"Lilina! Are you ready?" Lilina's mother shouts. "Yes, mom! I'm coming down right now!" Lilina shouts. Lilina heads downstairs as she lifts up her beautiful black gown. "Oh my goodness! Look at my beautiful daughter! You can become a famous model!" Says Lilina's mother. "M-Mom, you're making me blush." Says Lilina. "No way, our daugther is going to become a famous doctor." Says Lilina's father. Lilina's mother shakes her head. Erik starts to stare at Lilina. Lyle whispers to Erik and asks, "Can't keep your eyes off her, huh?" Erik starts to blush and Mrs. Menendez notices it. "Erik, your face is red." Says Mrs. Menendez. "O-Oh, um. It's kind of hot." Says Erik. Mr. Menendez starts to raise one of his eyebrows. "Alright, let's go everyone. The limo driver is waiting for us." Says Mr. Menendez.

*Time skip*

6:20 p.m. Vancouver, Canada

The Kim and Menendez family head inside the restaurant. "Hello, reservation for Jose Menendez." Says Mr. Menendez. "Ah yes, party of seven?" Says the hostess. "Yes, that's correct." Mr. Menendez responds. "Alright, this way please." Says the hostess. Everyone start to follow the hostess and sit down. The sever approaches them and greets them. Few minutes go by and they start to order.

As they are eating, Lilina's mother's says, "Dear, look at our precious daugther. I can't wait until she gets a baby. Her and Tanner would make such cute babies!" "M-Mom! I'm only fifteen!" Says Lilina. Erik and Lyle start to stare at each other. "Amelia! Our daugher is right! She's only fifteen! She shouldn't be thinking about having a child right now. All she needs to is focus in school." Says Lilina's father. Lilina starts to feel uncomfortable "I, uh, need to use the restroom. I will be right back." Says Lilina. 

"Hm, it's been five minutes. I wonder where Lilina is?" Says Lilina's father. "I will look for her." Says Erik. Erik gets up from his seat and starts to wander around the hallway. Erik sees a woman leaving the lady's restroom and approaches her. "Hi, um. Excuse me. Have you seen this Asian girl? She's wearing a black dress." Says Erik. "No, I'm sorry." The woman responds. "Alright, thank you." Says Erik. "Hm, I wonder where she can be." Erik talking to himself in his head. Erik starts to head upstairs. He then sees Lilina outside of the balcony. Lilina hears the door open and turns around. "O-Oh, hey Erik." Says Lilina. "Lilina? What are you doing here?" Erik asks. "Oh, uh, I just need some fresh air." Lilina responds. "Aren't you cold?" Erik asks. "No, I'm okay. Let's stay here for a while." Says Lilina. "Alright. And you uh, look really nice." Says Erik. "T-Thanks. You look nice as well." Lilina starts to blush. "T-Thanks." Erik blushes. "Do you want to dance?" Erik asks. "Oh, I would love to." Lilina starts to smile. Erik and Lilina start to slow dance.

Meanwhile at the dining hall

"So, Lyle. Do you know what university you want to attend?" Lilina's father asks. "Princeton, sir." Lyle responds. "Wow, very impressive! Do you know what you want major in?" Says Lilina's father. "Either business or economics, sir." Lyle responds. "How nice!" Says Lilina's father. "Ah, what a shame. If Lilina was single, I think Lyle and Lilina would be great together." Says Mr. Menendez. Lyle starts to widen his eyes and stare his father. Lilina's mother starts to giggle and says, "Aw, Lyle is a very handsome young man." "T-Thank you, Mrs. Kim." Lyle starts to blush. "You're so welcome." Lilina's mother smiles at Lyle. "I uh, um, I'm going to look for Erik and Lilina." Says Lyle. 

"Ugh, speaking of couples. Amelia and Edwin, I have to tell you about his ex-girlfriend!" Says Mrs. Menedez. "What about his ex-girlfriend?" Lilina's father asks. "She's such a bimbo! And a slut!" Says Mrs. Menendez. "And she was a gold digger as well." Says Mr. Menendez. "O-Oh my." Says Lilina's mother. "Whoa." Says Lilina's father. "Gwen or whatever her name was! She was a dirty little slut! Lyle should never get a girlfriend again!" Says Mrs. Menendez. Mrs. Menendez still begins to talk bad about Lyle's ex-girlfriend. 

Outside balcony

"Wow, that was really fun." Says Lilina. "Yeah, I agree." Says Erik. "Hey, um. Lilina, there's something I want to tell you." Says Erik. "What is it?" Lilina asks. "I li-" "Finally! I found you guys!" Says Lyle. Lilina and Erik turn around. "Oh, uh, hey." Says Lilina. "Hey. Sorry, did I interrupt you guys?" Says Lyle. "N-No. Not at all." Says Erik. "Uh, no." Says Lilina. "Are you sure?" Lyle asks. "Y-Yeah. Come on, let's go back inside. Lilina, I will tell you later." Says Erik. "Um, alright." Says Lilina. Lilina, Erik, and Lyle start to head downstairs. 

"Lilina, I don't want you to trip. Do you want me to carry you?" Says Erik. "No, I'm going to be alright. But thanks anyways." Says Lilina. Erik then begins to link arms with Lilina. "Um, Erik." Lilina starts to blush. "I don't want you to trip." Says Erik. "Alright, fine." Says Lilina. Lyle starts to chuckle and asks, "What were you guys doing outside?" "We were getting some fresh air." Lilina responds. "And kissed?" Lyle asks. "N-No!" Erik's face becomes red. "L-Lyle!" Says Lilina. Lyle starts to chuckles and says, "Just messing with you guys." "Hmph." Says Lilina.

"About time. Where have you guys been?" Lilina's father asks. "Oh, we kinda got lost and I got distracted." Says Lilina. "We're so sorry." Says Erik. "No, it's alright. And distracted?" Says Lilina's father. "Uh, yeah. I was enjoying the scenery." Lilina responds. "Hm, alright. Well, let's go." Says Lilina's father.

*Time skip*

10:30 p.m. Cabin

As Lilina leaves her bedroom she bumps into Erik. She notices that Erik is wrapped in a towel. "Oh my god, I'm sorry!" Says Lilina as her face becomes red. "N-No, it's fine." Says Erik. Lilina covers her face and quickly heads downstairs. As she is pouring water, she hears a foot step. "Hey." Says Erik as he approaches her. "Uh, hey." Says Lilina. "I really had a great time. Did you?" Says Erik. "Yeah, I did." Says Lilina as she is sipping water. "Oh yeah, you have to tell me something remember?" Says Lilina. "Oh, I uh forgot, sorry." Says Erik. "Oh no, it's alright." Says Lilina. Erik then takes the cup and starts take a sip. "Hey, get your own." Says Lilina. "I don't feel like it." Says Erik as he smirks. "Hmph. Well, I'm getting tired. Let's get some sleep." Says Lilina. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired as well." Says Erik. Lilina and Erik head upstairs. "Good night." Says Lilina as she smiles at Erik. "Good night." Says Erik and starts to blush.

3:00 a.m.

"Erik! Erik! Erik, wake the fuck up!" Says Mr. Menendez. "D-Dad? W-What is it? I'm so tired." Says Erik as he rubs his eyes. "Shut up and take off your clothes!" Says Mr. Menendez. "D-Dad, p-p-please. I-I'm so tired." Says Erik. "I don't care! Take it off NOW!" Mr. Menendez yells quietly. Erik sighs and takes off his clothes. Mr. Menendez starts to cover Erik's mouth with his hand. Mr. Menendez starts to have rough sex. Erik starts to cry and tries his best not to scream. "Such a sissy. Fucking faggot." Says Mr. Menendez. Mr. Menedez then closes the door. 

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