42: Kirigiri

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Previously: After many days have passed, it comes clear that Shuichi is unintentionally avoiding Kaede including the rest of their friendship group whilst she keeps silent.

Kaede's POV:
Weeks pass. What's been happening? Oh, everyone is treating me like I'm a ghost. Although I've been going to my lab throughout all of lunch alone, nothing changes. They don't even realise I'm not there. This all bullshit. I should have known in the past not to even trust anyone. My mother told me to "make the right friends". Meeting Kokichi and Maki, I realised they were pure fakes and just want to put people's lives into misery. And now with Shuichi especially being my boyfriend, he's talking more with others. Yeah that's great and all but, I was the one to save him.

But...why am I feeling like this? Appearing just as my normal positive self but inside dreading myself. I stared at the window in my lab a little longer until I felt a tap on my shoulder making me turn around.

"Hey." Shuichi slightly smiled at me whilst I responded with a nonchalant expression. "You seem a little moody today. If you're on period I have some-"

"Yeah ok. I am on it. Great spotting detective." I shrugged at him still emotionless. "Tsk. You guys are lucky not bleeding every month."

"I bleed every month too. The blood trickling down my wrists." Shuichi gazed at his cut for a little while and chuckled strangely.

"Yeah but you decide to bleed. Us women don't." I sighed at him. "Just think about how many people care about you unlike me." Shuichi's eyes widen and turns away from me giving a hurt expression.

"I was gonna offer you to go to the arcade with me today so I could give you another bunny plushie but since you're bleeding, I could join-." I started becoming furious after hearing him talking about those topics again and pushed him to the wall just like I did back when I was a bully.


"Fine fine. Unless you go to the arcade with me."

Eventually I agreed to go to the arcade together with Shuichi. I had the gut feeling that he already knows that I'm not acting like myself. A detective's intelligence is immaculate. For a normal person, they'd just speculate I had a bad day. How does he even know I'm on my period? Does he know deep behind I've been feeling like this for so long?

We walked in silence not speaking a word to each other throughout the way. I noticed Shuichi looking at me once in a while but I played it off just acting natural.

"So, how's piano practice?" He asked me in a soft tone.

"Fine." I responded in a monotone voice persist for him to shut up.

"From my calculations, I have noticed that for the last few weeks or even months, you're acting strangely. Everyone as teenagers has a depressive state they go through. Now, it's normal to feel like this and you have to accept it. But since I'm your boyfriend I wanna ask, why are you ignoring me? It's been going on now for a while and I'm the only one realising." Shit. He knew all along.

"How about you go on to Himiko and this other friends of yours instead? Your the one that's-" I tried to vent my feelings out to him trying to make him understand until I was bluntly cut out. Great. However I looked up and saw a girl next to Shuichi in purple hair.

She seemed stoic. She had the same nonchalent expression as me. She seems really cool but...

"Shuichi, who's that?" The girl asked him having a dull tone. Immediately I turned my head away from the girl after she questioned him.

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