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six years ago---

clashing of swords was heard from afar and my mind is blank it's been months since my mother died, yet no one allowed me to even morn for her. 

I grunt aloud as my body prop down the ground "keep your focus, get up." Elistine said coldy eyeing me from above, i can't help but glare at her. 

"yes." my body full of bruise from the harsh tranning I've been through. they never treated me as a lady in neither one of my classes instead they keep being more harsh if I complain. 

Vien left me right after telling me that Kien betrayed us "sorry... ametty. i need to go but this is what i promise you, ask me anything from the border even going where you are...I will do anything" he scincerly said. 

"I can't believe you're the one who's gonna say these words to me " I just laugh it off smiling yet my eyes are betraying me from crying. 

That's the last time I saw him. the last time I felt like myself. Kien keep a close eye to me every day the happy times felt like a thousand years ago, right now we were just like somebody we both don't know.... a complete stranger.  

the only thing that keeps us together was the contract of the master and her servant. 

one year passed and I learn to get used with the brutal training and things I must learn, Elistine is like the older sister to me though she's the strict one. she work as my Instuctor while traning me to become her heir. 

She's a hard headed lady who'll do what does she wants and never care from what others might talk about her. 

"you did nothing wrong so why do bother if you knew the truth behind their lies?" she said smirking while teaching me how to clean my own sword...and that line, some what makes me smile

I finally enter the knights command under my fathers own will. without even knowing what I want or say about this matter, though I look at the other way through this tragedy and think about a way to escape my own fate they want for me. 

but then I met someone whom makes me think about those things other wise. 

"You'll be the crown prince personal knight." my father, the Duke said with straight face. 


The crown Prince which is the main characters of this story's offspring is also a frikn' hard core crazy yandere whom kill without even bathing an eye who is the person is or what is that person's status.

again in my whole sane personality I curse myself many times for writing this shitty novel.

"I don't want to." I sternly answered which makes my father look at me straight in the eye. 

after that day I eventually goes to the crown prince's palace to serve as his personal knight. what do I expect from my father anyways? I sigh out loud which makes the prince whose reading by my side and taking his own lessons look at me.

"what do you want." a little boy with golden hair that is tied up lowly and silver blue-ish eyes ask, and yes, that boy is the crown prince. well, he's originally one year older than this body's age. I'm an old soul stuck at this kid's body. 

"nothing your majesty." I just brush his stare off and continue my duty. 

"how many day's are you still by my side from the day you got here again?" he ask simply looking back at his book reading where he left off. 

"one month and two day's your majesty." I shortly answer. I caught him freeze for a second before he look back at where I am 

"what is your name again?" he ask with an adorable smile yet for me It's the smile of a riper who will collect my soul. yeah no...

I need to get out of here really fast, I don't really have the intention to tell this demon my name like I was signing my own death certificate. "pardon me, but I have amnesia before I got here but you can call me knight metty, your majesty."

yeah I'm an Idiot.

he gave me an eye of suspicion, oh no... "well then." I look elsewhere not meeting his gaze yet I feel the smirk from his words.

someone help me get out of here. 

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