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"Mama, I don't like this mwilk,"

Haru's Mom sighed. "Which one do you want honey?"

"Umm....the Pink one, "

"You can have mine I don't like pink mwilk, " Tobio's voice cried out. Or at least their mom thought it was Tobio. It was very hard to keep track of which one was Tobio and which one was Ritsuka. Despite the fact that they all drank equal amounts of milk, Daisuke was the tallest and Haru was the shortest. But Ritsu and Tobio were like doubles. They even insisted upon the same foods and clothes. They were duplicates. And equally noisy. 

"Okay Tobio, you can have the plain milk, and Haru can have the Strawberry one." Mrs. Kageyama decided

"I want Normal milk too. Girls drink Pink milk," Ritsuka stated solemnly, while Tobio nodded.

Haru pouted, "I can be a girl! Papa says I'm his Princess,"

His Mum laughed, "Go tell daddy Ritsuka said you were a girl and made fun of you," 

He nodded firmly and ran into the basement fearlessly, while Ritsuka ran and hid behind his mama. "Mooooom, He's gonna kill me for bullying Haru again. I thought you were on my siiiide," he pouted.

His mum giggled softly, "I'm a spy" she whispered 

"No fair mama, that's called cheating," Ritsuka pouted.

 Just then, their dad came up from the Basement. 

"You called for daddy? Daddy is here," He winked at their mom.

The 3 children turned their heads from their dad to their mom, clearly confused about what their dad had just said.

 She gave him a glare, and then (very obviously) hid Ritsuka behind herself.

Haru shooks his dad violently."Dada, Ritsu mwade fun of me and cwalled me a girl,"

"He's just jealous he can't be as pretty as you sweetheart"

"I'm much more handsome," Ritsu called from behind his mom

"Uh-huh, and so brave too" Haru replied sarcastically.

He huffed, "I'm brave, its just Dad's so Shrek-looking I'm scared of him."

His dad gasped, " Y'all were fighting, when did I come into this?"

They all nodded at him knowingly. 

He laughed, "Okay how about we get ice cream?"

"Yayyyyy" All three of them screamed. 

Wait, HOLD ON!


 "Where's Daisuke?" Their mom asked looking around

"Oh, he was upstairs, in his room, reading a book, again." their dad said as if he'd gotten tired of saying it every day.

"By the number of books he reads, I bet he's already the least innocent of them all," their mother muttered to their dad. "Then again," She smirked towards him "He's your son, after all,"

"Haha, very funny, I'm very innocent, like my children. Right?"

They all tilted their heads towards him. Same time, same direction.

"I'll go call Daisuke, hopefully, he comes out of that wretched room he stays in all day, honestly, it's more like his house rather than his room. He doesn't come out, it's as if he doesn't think theirs outside of his room. He literally lives inside there. Fresh air is good for children, but all he does is stay locked up inside of his room. And we don't lock him in there, he locks himself inside his room, I have NO idea what I'm going to do about him..." their mum rambled on.

"Okay, how about I go get him, you're just gonna yell at him," their Dad chuckled and began to walk up the stairs. All three children ran up the stair with him. Dropping various things in the hallway. Their mum sighed. Children times 4 = destruction times 4. This is what she got for marrying Akihiro  , she thought to herself. 

 As the triplets ran into his room, they yelled, "DAISUKE! WE'RE GWOING TO GO GET ICE-CWEAM, SO HWURRY UP AND GET DWOUNSTWAIRS!"

They ran in to the room, Haru dragging his father by the pinky. "Get UP, get UP, get up, GET UP!!!"
Haru screamed, jumping around.
Daisuke looked up from his book angrily. "Why can't you imbeciles  leave me alone." he hissed. His dad gave hime a look. "Language young man, " he said firmly. "なぜあなたは私を放っておくことができないのですか, " Daisuke replied with a smirk while his dad flicked his forehead. "Come get ice-cream with us. Its better than staying locked up in here," his dad suggested.
"Actually, staying locked up in here is way better, " Daisuke replied. All of his siblings pouted. "Come ooooon, Daisuke, I'm scared of dad, he's all shrek looking, if u come, he can't hurt us, " Ritsuka gave him teary eyes. Daisuke shook his head solemnly, "Nope, he'll just eat me too, I don't wanna go, " His dad looked between Daisuke and Ritsuka with an expression that said seriously? They all laughed.

After they all were done trying to convince him, it actually worked.  To be honest, it was Haru's doing. I knew he liked Haru more. Tobio pouted while sitting in the car. Unexpectedly, Daisuke asked, "What's wrong Tobio?"
"You love Haru more don't you?" Tobio asked sadly. "That's not true, I hate all of you equally," Daisuke answered as he kissed  Tobio's forehead, and then looked back at the book he had brought with him. Leaving Tobio confused and pouty.

 That's just how Daisuke and his love was. 



Well, that's it for today! We are really sorry for not updating, we are on holiday to another country and the connection isn't the best!
Hope you enjoyed it! @Princedemon06 this chapter is for you
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