"𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓈𝒸𝒶𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝒻."

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Daisuke, Ritsuka, Tobio, and Haruka slept in different rooms. While Tobio and Ritsuka shared a room, Daisuke had his own, and hardly slept with his parents. On the other Haru, the baby always slept with his parents and cried all night if he couldn't. Yes still. But today the 3 they were in the mood to annoying Daisuke and decided that they all wanted to sleep with him in his room, on his bed.

"Like a sleepover," they said. Daisuke sighed. He'd have to clear all of his books away, to a side so his siblings could "play" in the middle of his room.

He really didn't like playing with toys, or cars, or stuffed animals. It just wasn't his thing. Though, He liked reading. His favorite genre was sci-fiction. He always thought about going to the police or the FBI. It just sounded too cool.

He often overheard his mom saying he was growing up to fast, but honestly, he didn't understand how that was a bad thing. That just meant he could soon live all alone in his house where his siblings couldn't annoy him, but then again, he thought that wasn't possible, they'd annoy him wherever he went.

Back to the story, Daisuke agreed on playing a game of Monopoly with them and they were sitting in the middle of the room, on the carpet which was full black. Tobio had once asked him why his bedroom theme was full-on black and why it wasn't blue (his favorite color). Daisuke simply answered that black was his favorite color. He didn't get why his siblings or his parents thought he was weird for like the color black. I mean, what was so wrong with it?

Oh my god! Why does he keep getting side-tracked?

Anyways, as they were playing, suddenly the whole house's lights went out. Haru, Tobio, and Ritsuka screamed, jumped up, and began running around the room trying to get out. They obviously couldn't see the door, or open it, since Daisuke had locked it. He had a habit of doing that. So eventually, when Daisuke found his flashlight, he turned it on, and his siblings screamed even louder. This was getting frustrating. He stared at each of them straight in the eye until they calmed down. Then they all jumped forward to hug him; scared to shit.   He shook his head and chuckled lightly. 

"You babies, is this what you 3 do in bed all night?"

They shook their heads and glared at him with pouty faces. He laughed harder, then kissed each of their foreheads, smiling softly, he said "As long as I'm here, you have nothing to be scared of." They smiled at him and he smiled back. Times like these, soft, hidden moments, were different...they were when Daisuke would actually show love to them. Not that he didn't always. It was just sometimes, some very rare and precious moments where he went out of character and seemed like a different person. Older than he looked; than he seemed, he didn't belong to this body or time. . It was something in those, dull blue eyes, something that showed he cared.

Suddenly, the doorknob rattled. They hid behind him, with scared eyes. "It's the Boogey monster!!!" Haru screamed. Daisuke almost snorted at that. But then it opened, revealing their dad standing with a flashlight. "Oh," he said "There you guys are. Were you scared?" They shook their heads. "Daisuke was there," they giggled at the same time. That either meant that Daisuke was so scary they couldn't be more scared of anything else or it meant that Daisuke had taken care of them.  He furrowed his eyebrows then told them it was time for bed. "What happened to the lighting?" Daisuke asked. And, as if brought by his question, the lights came back on. His dad shrugged, seemingly just as confused as Daisuke was. 

His dad cleared his throat. "Bedtime, sweethearts." But they shook their heads and said "We're sleeping with Daisuke." at the same time. Now to most, it may seem cute; like "Omg, those three triplets can talk at the same time, that's sooooo adorable," but to Daisuke, it was weird, creepy, even. But in a way, even he liked it when they all tilted their heads to the left in question. He sometimes wondered how long it took for them to practice to get that in sync. So much precious reading time must've been wasted. But anyway, back to the point. He looked at each of them with a 'the fuck?' face. He wasn't informed of this. Who said they could sleep in his room? Who gave them the authority to do this? But before he got to process the information, his dad shrugged, as if to say 'do what you want' and left. 

They looked up at him and smiled. He gave them a sharp glare and then sighed. "I sleep in complete darkness by the way," he said, trying to convince them to leave. They pouted at him and all he could do was sighed. "Take the bed," he ordered. Daisuke's room had a massive single bed, with a black and white headboard. He also had a black couch and a tv. In a way, his siblings found him weird. Stupid even, at times. He had a massive Tv but never used it. It might've been broken, and they'd never know. Maybe that's why their parents had it installed there. Because it'd never be used. Daisuke didn't seem to be a child belonging to this time. He was more...quieter, more sensible. He had a sharp eye for small details, but he'd often miss the main point. His parents always noticed his indifferences, but didn't point them out to him; in case it made him feel weird and different about himself. But they always wondered about it. 



Hello Everyone! We're really sorry for not updating. We were gone on vacation for 3 months. Yeah, and we spent too much time with our cousins.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. We will be updating frequently now. 

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