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Daisuke had been working as an agent for what? A year and a half now? Yeah, it hadn't been long, but it'd been exhausting. From half a year of intense training, to even worse missions. He'd almost died a couple of times, but apparently that was normal. Long story short, He and Liam (who was apparently bi) had countless near-death experiences together and had become somewhere along the lines of good friends.

Also, contrary to what Liam had said the first time they'd met, turns out, Daisuke was a special case. By now, he was as skilled as the agents who's been working here for over 5 years; no joke. This was mainly due to the fact that he was a fast learner. According to Liam, he clearly possessed the ability to be the head of a department; but due to his young age, the superior agents denied it. Which, Liam still got mad about, but daisuke brushed it away.

There was still a couple of problems though. One was that other than his dad, nobody knew he was in the FBI. Which was hard; He could barely sneak out at night, he couldn't go on long missions without excuses like 'I was camping with friends' (because Daisuke has no friends, and his mum knows that) and, his dad wasn't making it any easier, as he himself was against his son's dangerous job.

Second problem was that he had to spend sufficient time on his siblings, but he couldn't do that a lot publicly, due to the fact that despite only working for a year and a half, he'd made himself quite a few enemies, inside and outside the FBI, who just want to find a weak spot to use against him. And no way in hell was he going to let those motherfuckers get their hands on his siblings. Because, even if he usually didn't care about anybody, his siblings weren't just 'anybody.' 

Thing was, sometimes they got in the way. For example, now; 

He was supposed to get to get to some rich posh guy's formal party and cause a commotion; enough to kill a guy who was blackmailing people for some reason(the reason was there in folio he received ... he just didn't get the time to read it). He was supposed to be there at 8. It's 7:30, and his siblings happen to demand for him to spend time with them. They whine, and get close to tears, complaining about how he never spends time with them anymore.

Which brings him to his current situation:

Needing to go for his mission is less then 30 minutes yet none of siblings allow him to leave no matter the number of excuses he has. He can't just ditch them, cause' 1; they'll never forgive him for it and 2, their parents aren't home, which means he's responsible for them not burning the house down. He sighs, realizing how he'd never anticipated this side of becoming an FBI agent. Then he realizes how much easier Liam has it due to the fact that he doesn't have a family (yes he's one of those mysterious people about who's past you have no idea about, but Daisuke isn't pushy, so he never asked.)Which finally brings him to a realization (which he would later regret) that Liam could probably babysit in his siblings. 

20 minutes later, and the doorbell rings, much to Daisuke's happiness. He'd been microwaving some left over macaroni for The kids and as the bell rang, all 3 ran towards the front door, curious as they were. Daisuke ran after them, only to see Liam standing there, with all 3 kids inspecting him and him wondering what the fuck was going on.

"You told me there was something important you needed me too do!" Liam grumbled.

"Yea, this is really important." Daisuke wasn't sure Liam would understand as he dragged him into another room,  his siblings left guessing who the "new man" was.

"I need your aid in this extremely delicate situation."

"What delicate situation? Are you sick? Do u have cancer?"

"What? Where did that come from? No Liam; take care of my siblings. I need to head for the mission; Leyla's probably already there." Daisuke replied, looking puzzled that Liam could ever have though he had cancer.

"And you're assigning me to babysitting duty?"


"I don't know the first thing about human emotions; what do they eat? what do i do if they cry?" Liam said, sweating.

"Liam! They aren't 16 month old's! They can handle themselves; they don't cry if that's what you're worried about!"

Liam still looking at Daisuke as though he was some type of alien. Daisuke had had enough of this whining though, if we could go on near-to-death missions, how hard could it be handling a bunch of 14-year-olds? 

"Then why do i need to babysit-"

"Because they are capable of burning the whole fucking neighborhood down."

Silence followed Daisuke's statement.

"So that's how you guys are related" Liam chuckled, "Anyway, don't worry...I'll find them some movie to watch."

"Nothing R-Rated" Daisuke warned, picking up his 'bag of old books' from his room and heading towards the front door, too which Liam nodded. Just as Daisuke opened the door, his siblings came running. 

"You said you wouldn't leave," Tobio said, voice breaking, while Haru glared at him with a pouty face. 

"I know, but I have some really important things to do guys...maybe tomorrow; Liam is going to take care of you, hmm?"

"What are you going to do at 8 in the night which a bag full of books that we've never been able allowed see?" Ritsuka asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I'm going-" 

"He's going on a study date" Liam replied in Daisuke's place, smirking as Daisuke stared at him in horror. All three kids looked at Liam and then Daisuke. 

"But i thought he was your husband..." Haru said; seemingly using his brain very hard on the thought, pointing at Liam

"WHAT!?" Daisuke yelled; wondering where all these crazy ideas were coming from. As the room literally erupted into silence, he sighed and replied, "What makes you think I'd have a husband? I'd be a husband. If i ever marry anyone; which isn't happening. Anyway, I'm going, Liam's taking care of you and.....don't cause him any trouble, go to bed at 10:30-"

"You won't be back by then?"

"Why will you be gone for so long?"

"Who studies that hard?"

 Questions erupted from all three. Daisuke sighed. "I'm saying this just in case. I might loose track of time"

"Doing what?" Ritsuka asked suspiciously. Really, what is he thinking- 



He thinks I'm going to have sex. Oh god. 

Daisuke shakes his head, promising himself to ask Ritsu whatever the hell his crazy little brain was wondering and replied with, "I've already told you; studying."


That's it....it's getting too late; Daisuke thought, hurrying out of the house and fetching a cab.  

-Moony and Amy



Daily reminder that I'm always here to understand you all, especially in a time like this, when mental stress is taking a toll on everyone, especially Amy.

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