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             Daisuke knew. He knew he was different from other kids. He knew his parents worried for the way he was weird. He also knew it was weird that he was into boys from a very young age. Yeah. you read right, at almost 10 and a half, he knew he had a crush on the boy who lived across the road. The boy had a thin body and a pretty smile. He was soft and sweet, which clearly showed what Daisuke's type was. But he daren't say anything. His parents- really everyone around him - thought he was weird enough. He wasn't really afraid of what they'd say - really he couldn't care less- He was more afraid of them moving away, so he'd never see the boy again. He knew they wouldn't of course, they weren't that harsh. But still, there was a lingering anxiety.

        His parents were the kinds who loved unconditionally. And so, they didn't treat him different after he told them he way gay. In fact, they were overjoyed over the fact that he had trusted them enough to tell them. He found it odd, but ignored it. He had other things to worry about; recently, his class had been talking about what kind of job opportunities there are in different sectors of a country. When discussing about it, their teacher asked them all to go home and search up different jobs and see which one they were interested in. Obviously, he was 13 when he had to start thinking abut his future. But it didn't take very long. It seemed he already knew what kind of career he'd take up in the new future. 

       He wanted to be an FBI agent. He'd heard that the FBI had been recruiting teenagers, to begin training them from an earlier on age, and it was no joke, because when he came home one day in early March, and shut his door behind him, somebody was sitting on his desk chair. A very neat looking man, with a piercingly sharp gaze, sitting on his chair, 3 piece suiting him well. He seemed bored, annoyed even, as if he had millions of other things he could do at the moment.

And yet, Daisuke stayed calm, as if he experienced this everyday.

"Your bedroom is very plain," were the first words he said. 

Daisuke took it as a greeting and replied, "Nice to meet you too." he replied.

 The man ignored his statement entirely and replied "Shouldn't boys your age have pictures of naked girls all over their room? Or, in your case, boys?"

 Daisuke stared at him blankly, barely showing his surprise. This guy knew something even his parents had just recently found out. And Daisuke was sure this guy wasn't one of his father's friends. 

"What if some random guy like you showed up to check my room. Also, why on earth would I have naked boys' posters all over my room, you think it'd help me sleep?"

 The man snorted in surprise. "You have quite the attitude. Lets get down to business then, shall we?"

Daisuke narrowed his eyes at the guy. "Sure" he replied slyly, dropping his bag on his bed, and simultaneously reaching for the knife in the pocket of the pocket in his bag. 

"Don't," the guy warned, placing gun to Daisuke's head, while his knife rested against the man's stomach. 

"Why? You can shoot, me, i don't have much to value in life anyway"

"Really? What if i kill you, go to ###### school, and torture your 12 year old brothers?"

Daisuke's nose flared, and the stranger could see human emotion; fear and anger, rising in his eyes for the first time since they'd met. "What do you want?" Daisuke grinded his teeth.

"I want you to calmly listen and consider what I'm going to tell you in the next 5-10 minutes." The man waited until Daisuke nodded, then slowly put the gun down, while daisuke hesitated with his knife. 

"Alright kid; I want you to know a number of things as we begin talking. My name is Liam, I'm from the FBI and I, unfortunately, was sent to recruit you. And yes I'm going to be very straight forward with this."

"Don't think of yourself as anything special, there are a lot of kids being recruited these days, so don't let it get to your head. It just so happens that you have good problem solving skills, and can adapt well  to the situation your in, like you just showed me.

"You have the option to say no to me, but based on your search history, I don't think you will; your quite interested in this. Now I'm done talking; it's your turn; yes or no?"

Daisuke remained quite. He didn't seen to b thinking; just staring

"Will you leave them alone?" Daisuke did not specify anyone; but Liam stared at him for a good moment before sighing and looking down. 

"They told me you were protective,  but I didn't think... Yes kid don't worry, we weren't planning on hurting your little siblings, even if you would refuse, but really, you should be worried for yourself; the FBI is a really dangerous place. Now, what do you say?"

"Okay...I'll join" Daisuke replied; still fazed from the anger that had been bubbling in him a while ago

"Please; your not doing us a favor by joining"

Daisuke glared at him sharply, and then asked blankly; "What do i do now?"

"They'll send someone to help you with registration and other shit i never had to do" 

"They won't send you?"

"Why? You getting' attached?" Liam chuckled, and Daisuke realized that maybe he didn't hate the guy completely. Liam got up to leave. But headed straight to the window, opening it. The sun had set now, so it was dark and eerie outside; the perfect time for a guy like Liam to be roaming the streets.

"How old are you?" Slipped out of Daisuke's mouth. For some reason, he was curious about it since he'd seen Liam, but didn't ask. Liam hesitated; and then answered with a cocky smile; "18". 

No wonder.

Just then,  Liam jumped out of the window. Knowing that he lived on the 2nd floor of his house, Daisuke hurried to check if Liam had survived. All he saw on the street was a guy with a hoodie walking away on the pavement in the eerie peace of the street lights.

-Moony and Amy


I know we've updated after a really long time...and I know saying sorry won't make up for it.

We've just been busy and were neglecting our stories so we're sorry and will promise to focus more and will try to publish more often. 

Thank You for voting <3 

I purple you all!!!!!!!

Moony: If you're ever bored, dm me!

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