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'Dad, I'm heading out otherwise I'll be late for school!' Allison called out to her dad while she put on her green jacket in the hallway.

'Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off at school?' her dad asked while he peeked around the corner of the kitchen.

'I'm sure, I can drive myself. You go finish your breakfast before you head out. Stay safe, okay?'

'As the dad, I'm supposed to be the one that tells you to be safe,' her dad said and she smiled at him. She was so happy that she still had him. Her dad was her everything, probably the only family that she had left.

She quickly ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. 'I love you dad.'

'I love you too baby,' he whispered to her as he pressed a kiss on her cheek. 'Now go, before you'll be late!'

She waved at her dad as she left the appartment. Allison and Chris had decided to move to this appartment after her mothers death. The house they lived in was too big for the two of them and it brought back too many memories that were painful to both of them. The appartment was beautiful and Allison was happy that they lived there. She felt like she was closer to her dad and she felt safe because of that. She did miss the room where she used to train with her bow and arrow, but the woods was now her place to be. Every weekend she went out there to practice her archery and lately she had been training her fighting techniques with her dad and sometimes with her friend Isaac. Isaac had been a great friend to her since the break-up with Scott, the death of her mother and everything that had been going on in Allison's life. They had known each other for a while now since Isaac joined Scott's pack after "leaving" Derek's pack. Derek was kind of the reason why Isaac was a werewolf. He had often told Allison that he still hated the werewolf part sometimes, but he was happy with it most of the time. It made him feel stronger, he wasn't afraid to stand up for himself anymore. He could protect himself and the people that he cared about. He sometimes could be a real pain in the ass with his sarcastic comments, but Allison was happy she had him by her side.

Allison moved her head to the beat of the music that was playing from the speakers of her car as she parked in front of the school. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the dull and grey building. She grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder as she got out of her car. She turned around to walk towards the school as she heard a familiar voice calling out her name. She turned towards the sound of the voice and all air was being squeezed out of her lungs when she saw the person that was calling her. Lydia made her way over towards her best friend as the wind blew her strawberry blonde hair back. There was a big smile on her face and a spark in her eyes that made Allison's heart beat faster. It felt like she was paralysed and couldn't move as Lydia came closer and closer.

'Hey babe,' Lydia greeted her and wrapped her arms around Allison's neck. 'How are you doing?'

Allison smelled Lydia's coconut shampoo and closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around her friend. Enjoying this little moment of holding her as close as she always wanted to. She wanted to cuddle with this girl, press sweet little kisses on her nose, just lay down with her and talk all night long. Allison lightly shook her head to wake up from this daydream and slowly let go of Lydia.

'I'm fine, what about you Lyds?'

'I'm great, thanks. Just really not up for another day of listening to the stupid and idiotic comments from teenagers or listen to the same information that the teachers give again and again because people don't pay attention which causes them for not having a clue and asking for the same information over and over again...'

Allison smiled as Lydia ranted about the other kids in school. She was probably the smartest girl she's ever met and she knew that since day one, even though Lydia didn't even show it. Since day one Allison knew that this girl wasn't the girl she was pretending to be. There was so much more under that hard and cold exterior and Allison was determined to find out who Lydia really was.

'Allison, are you even listening?'

Allison nodded quickly as she was pulled back from her thoughts about how Lydia and Allison first met. 'Yes, of course I am.'

'Honey, you really need some coffee,' Lydia said as she took Allison's hand and pulled her towards the school. 'We both need coffee, otherwise we won't get trough this long, long day.'

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