Chapter 2:

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'Alright then.'

Rimuru took a deep breath and exhaled. He should wait with this, really, but he wanted to see all of his friends as soon as possible. For some he had no choice but to wait but...

It was so lonely.

"Come forth, demon! And serve me!"

He did not have any physical offerings but with what he had he could substitute what was needed for the demon to manifest. He hoped it was his friend that would answer. He had no reason to doubt Ciel and no justification either but seeds of doubt were present no matter how much he tried to will them away.

Rimuru wanted to cry out in joy but restrained himself. Diablo was here, he was here!

'Ciel, you're awesome!' He inwardly cheered.

-It was only possibly through Master.- Is what she said but he could feel the pride.

He fully looked at Diablo, or as he was now, Kuro. The Demon was kneeling with his eyes closed. His head bowed. Not unusual but still...

"What task do you have for me, Master?"

Task? Oh, right. You don't just suddenly summon a demon and ask him to serve you, right? Uhm, think, think. Make it look natural.

If the demon was looking at him, he would see Rimuru avert his eyes nervously. Then he had an idea "Recently the monster activity increased and we've picked up on an adventurer group entering the forest but lost sight of them. I want you to find and bring them to our town." He pointed to his left "It's over there. Can you do that?"

"Such a simple task is no problem for me." Well, yeah, it was made up on the spot "Can I expect to be put to use by you afterwards?"

Well, that was convenient but he didn't wanna seem like a push-over either, so-

"First, prove to me that you can be put to use."

He stood up, bowed and disappeared.

Rimuru sighed in relief, that was over. He returned to the village and informed them that he had summoned a demon that would later arrive with a group of adventurers because honestly, this was Diablo, there was no way it wouldn't get done. And if it took a day or two in case they didn't enter the forest yet.

But he'd sensed them so they were. All that was left was saving Shizue.

Not even an hour after Diablo returned, three slightly terrified humans behind him. Yeah, maybe that wasn't the best idea. Shizue didn't seem fazed at all, as expected of a Hero. He asked Rigurd to get them something to eat since their equipment was lost, like before. Seems Diablo found them after they committed their usual stupidity.

Once they were out of sight, he turned his attention to the demon "You brought them here, you have my thanks."

"It was nothing, I am unworthy of your praise. Rather, please forgive my rudeness, about my earlier request to become your humble servant... Have you made your decision?"

Rimuru grinned brightly "Of course! From now on, you are one of my comrades. What's your name?"

He wondered for a moment if he would respond the same or reply with his 'colour'.

Disappointingly it was the former "Oh! You are too kind! But one such as I am a mere nameless demon."

He makes it sound like he's just a small fry. Seriously.

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