Chapter 8:

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-Initiating countermeasure-

-Analysis completed by 95%-





-100%... failure.-

-Failure to conclude analysis, pursue of countermeasures impeded.-

-Linking to individuals with Soul connection... success.-

-Beginning operation.-


Guy stared at the figure, at this man, with utmost caution. Rimuru- no this wasn't the Slime, only his body- was standing there unresponsive with a blank stare. He could see a tear on one side of his face as the slime's soft smile slowly faded into a neutral expression.

It was a disturbing sight.

Ramiris beside him stopped flapping her wings for a moment and flopped down on the bed, not exactly gently at that. Rudra and his men looked just as wary as him.

Suddenly the beings unsettling expression broke into a wide grin and just as fast, a sword tore through Rimuru's stomach and he coughed from the shock. Had he possessed blood, it would have dyed the ground a deep red.

Ramiris, freaking out, disappeared, screaming something about getting the others. She was gone before he could stop her. In his opinion it was better to keep anyone away from... whatever that was.

It staggered forward, tripping over its own feet and falling face first into the ground. He thought it couldn't get worse but to their horror, it started chuckling.

"Who are you?" He drew his sword, pointing it at the thing. One wrong movement, just one and he would...

"Me?" It chuckled again. It's voice which was supposed to sound like Rimuru's sounded far too different "Come on, you know me."

"I'm afraid not." With narrowed eyes, he took a step closer.

The thing sat up with a pleasant smile on its face. It sat there, cross-legged, without a care in the world.

"Hey, what's going on?" A voice called out, entering the room. If he remembered right, that man was called Benimaru.

He only spared him a single glance "That thing over there took over Rimuru's body. Be careful, something about it just... doesn't feel right."

"Master Rimuru's...?" A quick temper was shown "Hey, you! Leave our Master be this instant!"

The dark chuckle resounded again "Whatever are you talking about? That Slime? No... he merely took my throne."

"Your throne?" Rudra echoed, standing up from the bed and summoning his sword.

"Go back this instant!" Guy ordered "You can't be completely fine right now, leave this to us."

Rudra shook his head defiant "Definitely not." He glared at the thing "What 'throne' are you talking about? I might not know much about the kid but aside from this country, he sure isn't anyone's ruler."

"..." It was silent for a moment "Someone like you wouldn't understand... This kid...! It was supposed to be ME!"

The scream put everyone into a defensive stance. Following it, more of the Slime's forces were arriving, held back by the commander.

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