Chapter 11:

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Rimuru somewhat dreaded the return to Tempest. They weren't going to kill him for this, right...? After all, he did just revive. Stupid Veldora, all his fault! Is what he wanted to say but he couldn't actually fault the dragon, so he merely gave a resigned sigh.

The city was drawing nearer and he was still getting carried bridal style be the dragon. Was there anything more embarrassing? Oh god, he hoped they wouldn't be angry with him... anything but that. Maybe... maybe he could sneak away...

Nope, he couldn't move one bit in Veldora's grip. He was done for.

Oh god, he could feel Milim's presence. And was that... there was so much negative energy over the city! He was so, so done for. Surely they'd yell at him, be mad and fault him for what happened. He shivered at the thought. He didn't want to face that!

As they finally entered the city, all eyes turned to the dragon and Rimuru made sure to move as little as possible, shutting his eyes tightly, hoping they would not notice him.

It was deathly quiet. Not a single sound. No bird, no small animal, not even wind or the sound of breathing. It was horrifyingly still. Not a single being moved.

"L-lord... Veldora." One brave soul spoke up "I-it's been a while. Y-you seem... h-happy?"

Geez, what was that dragon doing to terrify the people so?

"Indeed I am!" The mighty being declared and lifted him up like an offering "Look at who decided to stop being dead!"

Offering indeed... He was going to die at this rate!

"W-what?" One uncomprehending fellow asked "I-i understand you, Lord V-veldora but Lord Rimuru is..."

There was... no anger? Rimuru slightly opened the eye facing their side. No, there was only sadness and despair. Hopelessness.

"Idiot! Look closely!" Veldora raged "Look very closely!"

"T-there's colour in his skin!"

"Idiot! He's clearly opening one eye!"

"I can sense Body Temperature!"

"He's moving slightly!"

"Are you sure that's not just Veldora?"

"Shut it! I'm sure!"

"Lord Rimuru!"

Veldora grinned as the crowd drew closer "Aaaaaaaaannnnnnd-" Wait, no, no! He wasn't really going to follow through with his threat, right?! Ri-!

"Veldora, you ass!"

Finally reunited, nobody wished to let go. The pain that tore their hearts apart, threw them on the ground and stomped on them was finally, finally gone. Hugging and crying, not once caring about how pitiful it might look, they kept close to him. Closer and closer still, so he would never disappear again.

Ramiris, having heard of his revival had hurried over from the labyrinth, its floor guardians close behind. She was bursting with joy, her small wings fluttering rapidly as she pressed close to him.

Milim was fidgeting, trying to hug him too but restraint herself as others were already all over him. The moment she saw an opening, she sprang at it, holding on for dear life with a huge smile. She was giggling, she could not conceal her delight at all. Rimuru was back! And she wouldn't ever let him go again! Never!

Chloe and Shizue as well as Hinata were standing on the side-lines and watched the chaos unfold with fond eyes. They shared a glance and smiled. The Slime wasn't going to get free anytime soon. Not if his friends had any say about it. And they sure as hell did.

Guy and Rudra arrived shortly after the three, the two true dragons close behind. Velzard, who saw Veldora at the center of the giant cuddle pile, shook her head and let it go, she wouldn't ruin this. This was too sweet a moment.

Guy was just relieved. At least it was only Veldanava who remained dead. One returned from where none should have returned. That alone was enough for him. Rudra just laughed as he saw Velgrynd trying to join the cuddle pile. Why anyway? Was she that grateful for his saving? In any case, he let her do as she pleased. If she got picked on by Rimuru's subordinates for stealing cuddle space, it wasn't his problem.

Shuna and Shion were the closest to their Lord in the ever growing mass of bodies. Nearly hugging the dear life out of him, pure glee trembled inside of them. Just like all the others, if not more, they would need to be forced to let go.

Benimaru was on edge. He really, really wanted to join in but felt it wasn't the right thing to do so he was barely restraining himself until Souei came along, grabbed him without another word and threw him in the pile. The quiet man joined soon after. The two were intoxicated by joy as happiness took them over. Now that their Lord was back, they wouldn't need to worry about anything else anymore. The worries and fears that crushed them over the last two months were gone and the empty void they left behind was immediately filled with absolute joy once again. Hell was over and a new paradise had formed.

The three Demon Dukes, having seen their Lord, instantly spread the news and found Diablo as soon as they got out. Together they hurried back to the city. Before even arriving, they shared the same hope and relief every other monster had, every other monster had wished for. It was finally over.

As Diablo entered he took in the sight amusedly. He was like paralyzed. He'd never felt more alive at the sight of their Master, never so full of joy or fortune as the feelings unfolded like flowers that had previously wilted away.

The monsters and demons, all brimming with newfound hope due to Rimuru's return, had their very souls cheering with happiness. Whatever made this possible, whoever granted them such a mercy was a godsent, a blessing, a saviour.

At last, swelling with positive emotions, they could feel again. Their spirits raised, radiating with energy and suffused with endless delight, they celebrated in joy, not once letting go of the one they had so desired. Nobody would have ever had an idea of the pure relief the monsters felt that night had they not been present. There was never a more euphoric time in their lives.

Rimuru smiled joyfully. He was never going to leave them again, no matter what.

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