Chapter 4:

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Demon Lord Milim Nava. A frightening existence but he held no fear for her.

"Pleased to meet you! I'm the Demon Lord Milim Nava! I came to greet the strongest being here!" Were the words she used as her introduction, words he remembered hearing before.

"The pleasure is all mine! I'm the slime Rimuru Tempest, the leader of this city. You're amazing, to have seen through me."

"Fufun! Nothing escapes my sight! My [Dragon Eye] can see even hidden magical energy! I can't be deceived!"

"That's one handy ability. You must be an even more amazing fighter than you already seem to be with it."

She grinned "I know, right?! I'm amazing!"

"Indeed." He nodded softly "What brings a Demon Lord here though?"

"I just came to greet you." She stated bluntly. Honest as always. "But I want to ask something, too! You know, when we saw you through Gelmudo's eyes, I thought you were amazing, but you're already an Awakened Demon Lord." She said the last part while leaning close, in a hushed voice "You should declare yourself a Demon Lord right away! You have every right to! A Demon Lord with your strength... you might be able to beat even me! Maybe even Guy!"

He shook his head "Haha, that's flattering but I have to refuse."

"W-What?!" She yelled shocked "But why?! You'd be such an amazing Demon Lord! Y-you can fight all kinds of strong people and order others around!"

"That's boring."

"Huh!?" She was even more shocked "Then how do you pass the time?! What fun is there?!"

"A lot. There are many ways to enjoy life." He chuckled "If you can promise me some things, I can introduce some to you."

Interested and not accepting refusal, her expression turned serious with narrowed eyes but he could see the curiosity "What are your terms?"

"I want you to refrain from causing trouble or injuring anyone. Do anything against the city rules and I will kick you out. Also, from now on you'll call me Rimuru-san, at least."

"What?! Now way, it should be the other way! That's Lady Milim to you!"

"The how about I call you Milim and you me Rimuru, let's leave formalities aside."

She started to grumble but eventually gave up "Alright, got it. Be honoured. Only the other Demon Lords can call me that!"

"Good! Let's be best friends!" He held out his hand.

Milim seemingly had stars in her eyes and clutched his hand tightly "Got it! But no taking that back!"

"Of course not." He had missed her as much as he missed the rest of his friends "I wouldn't dream of it. How about we get going?"

"Yes!" She followed him excited.

He had kind of missed this but dreaded the coming of the chaos that was bound to ensue. He skillfully avoided Gabil, knowing he would mess up majorly. Because once in the city, she had taken off running.

It was easy to handle her when they got to the smithy. He immediately asked for them to make her a weapon and if she could sit still for a moment so measurements could be taken. She had sat down with a big smile and did her best to sit still which seemed to be an effort for her. After that she became a dress up doll for the Goblina's and then helped plow the fields.

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