Everyone in the meeting room is waiting for their new CEO. Their past CEO Mr. Nitish Sharma has passed away a week ago and today the new CEO is gonna come. It's a collaborated project with five companies working together. Sharma's are the grand holder of this.
It's already fifteen past four and the new CEO is late for his first meeting.
One person asks the manager of Sharma Industry....
P1: manager sahab....how long are we gonna wait??? When will the new CEO Come???
P2: I hope he didn’t forget about the project. We have to finalize a decision on it today.
P3: Does he even know about this???
Manager: Don't worry sir. She knows about the deal and she's gonna have her presentation on it today. Just wait patiently for some more time.
P1: Oh...So It's a SHE??
P4 laughs: That's why such a good sense of timing.
P5: yeah....probably still presenting herself in the mirror before this presentation.
Others laugh too except for the manager. Just then another well groomed man enters announcing "The CEO is coming."
Everyone stands up fixing their gaze at the door to welcome the new CEO lady. But Alas!!! Where is she??? Instead of a well groomed competent lady, there enters a rather shabby young girl in school uniform smiling brightly at everyone.
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Girl: Hello everyone. Sorry...I know I'm late. Actually I had a test today in the last period that's why. Please sit. Hope you didn’t have much trouble???
Everyone looks at her dumbfounded. Still not being able to digest what they are seeing in front of their eyes.
P2 asks the manager: Manager sahab....I hope u or the new CEO is not playing any joke on us...! We have a value of our time and honour you know.....😐
The manager sighs deeply and replies sternly, Manager: I assure you Mr. Balawant...this is no joke.
P6: really!!! So u're saying that this little kid is our Boss???
This time the girl replies.
Girl: yes Mr....
P6: Varma...huh!! You don't even know ur business associate's name!!! Ridiculous!!!
The girl smiles mirthfully and says
Girl: yes Mr. BHARmaa....u're right. I Don't know most of your names here just like u don't know mine. Well...enough of bakwas talking. Now..... I'm Bani Sharma, the only daughter of Nitish Sharma. Your new CEO from now on. You never saw me before 'cause I hate business gathering so never attended any of them with Dad (her eyes slightly tears up). But since he got scooped up in the sky, I've left no choice but to ascend on his throne. That's it.
P1: Hope u know the full form of CEO girl😏
Bani smiles back at him.
Bani: I hope you know the proper protocol of treating your Boss Mr oldie. Call me Madam or Bani Mam from now on.
The man's face turns red in insult.
Saying this she throws her School bag in the king chair and looks at that well groomed man. The man comes forward, sets the laptop and projector.
Bani: Fine...Let's start for the project. I tried to prepare for the presentation but thought it would be better if I hear out you people first. You present your project plot one by one then I'll let you know final decision accordingly.
P3: your father has already approved our terms....there is no need to go through that all over again. You better consult with your advisor and do as he tells you.
Everyone hides their cruel smile. But Bani smiles too... Then says in a hard tone.
Bani: my father is no more here to complete this deal with you. I'm here. So u'll do as I say. Either you replay your terms right now or I'll just cancel the deal right away. Choice is yours.
Saying this she sits on the king chair with such a dominance that clearly said It's no more a 'King chair' but a 'Queen's throne' and she is the one...The Queen.
P4: this is not your school project girl. We're talking about real project here. We don't have time get ourselves into kid's play.
Bani smiles.
Bani: exactly. That's what I'm saying. This is not a kid's play. If I give one red cross over the project file...it's gonna be banned for good u see... AND learn to call me madam in the soonest time Mr. Or else I will make you write 'Bani Madam' pages after pages untill your eyes tears up looking at the papers. Same goes for everyone else.
Everyone present looks at her unbelievably while the manager and that guy smile secretly.
Bani shrugs.
Bani: High school kid u see....can't do better than this.(and winks)
Precap: bani: Mr. Veeranshu Singhania, u have given only a few valid terms but others are just full off rotten eggs. Sorry but you need to work on that. I can't approve this.
Veer: What??? Rotten eggs!!!😠 You're rejecting My plan??? Even when Mr Sharma approved it??? What do u know about business, u little girl, huh??
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