Storm Starts🌪️

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Two days later Bani again held another meeting. Within this time none of them met each other.

In the meeting room
P1: kya din aya hei Mr Singhania. Ek school girl hume meeting mei bula rhi hein.🙄

P2: right. Did u see her attitude? Acts as if we're not her business associates but Kamla.🙄

P3: aur kahye mat. Us ladkine us din mere bete ko sachme papers par Bani Madam likhawa😠

Veer: Dad!🙄😐

P4: we've to do something about her.😐

Bani enters the room.

Bani: Good afternoon everyone. Hope u r doing good.

P1: yeah... Geart. With such grand CEO...😏

Bani: Thank u Mr. Sheikh. Well, let's start our business.

Bani's PA sets the laptop and projector.

Bani starts her presentation.

Everyone gets so mesmerised by her talent, vision and plan that they forget that a school girl is giving that presentation

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Everyone gets so mesmerised by her talent, vision and plan that they forget that a school girl is giving that presentation. She explains her each and every point clearly.

Bani: so the final decision is, Mr. Bharma did u talk to ur engineers??

Bharma: um...they don't have time to waste on a kid's talk, Mam.😏

Bani: fine then. I Don't need ur engineers. My company will appoint someone else. U Don't need to participate in this deal anymore.

Bharma: what?😕

But Bani ignores him totally.

Bani: The account system for this deal will be handled by Mr. Malhotra.

Sheikh: Excuse me! Who r u to decide that? It's already confirmed that I'll be responsible for account management.

Bani: Who confirmed that??

Sheikh: ur father.

Bani: where is he? Can u call him?

Sheikh: what? R u joking? He's dead!

Bani: right. So is ur confirmation. Now I'm the boss. It's My money and I'll decide what I'll do with it. U r not okay with my decision? Feel free to leave.

Everyone except Bani's Manager, PA and Malhotra looks at Bani angrily.

Bani gives some more terms and conditions and everyone gets more angry as it doesn't match according to their plans.

Bhatt bangs his hand on the table.

Bhatt: impossible. We cannot allow all this. U r rejecting our previous plans and booting your foul one!!! None of us will allow this. Listen girl, if u don't do as per our decisions, we'll all boycott u and get u out of this deal.

Boss Girl 18+Where stories live. Discover now