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Li Cheng leaves the party after the argument with Mu Ren.

He  had warned Mu Ren to be wary of Gao, he himself tried his best to  protect his friend from Gao. Despite that, Mu Ren did not comprehend the  seriousness of the situation which led to their squabble in front of  everyone at the party and eventually led to Li Cheng storming out from  the party room, leaving Mu Ren to fend for himself.

Now he's  home, restless and pacing back and forth at the door, waiting for Mu Ren  to return. He should have been back by now, the party should have ended  by now. It was a weeknight after all. However his room mate is not back  yet and is also not answering his phone.
In all the years, he has  known Mu Ren, he has always been protective of him. He himself is not  sure why, but he could never let anyone hurt him. They have known each  other for almost 5 years now, been roommates for 3 of those years. He  has always stayed by Mu Ren's side...always.

And yet, tonight he  left him alone with Gao and came back home in the heat of the moment.  And he's already regretting his decision.
After waiting for an hour  more, Li Cheng starts calling up his team mates one by one, in hopes to  find at least one sober person who can help him trace his friend. At the  end, no one is able to tell him when Mu Ren left the party or with who.

Full-blown panic hits him now as he rushes out, back to the hotel where the party was, to find Mu Ren.

He  doesn't find Mu Ren at the party room where he left him, so he starts  searching every floor in the hotel. Just as he gets to the 13th floor,  he sees Gao getting into the elevator going down. He immediately sets  his foot between the elevator doors to stop him from leaving and barges  in.

"Where's Mu Ren?" he growls.

"Mu Ren? How would I know? I haven't seen him since the party." Gao lies to his face.

"I'm  only going to ask you one more time, WHERE IS MU REN?" he grabs his  collar and pulls him out of the elevator and pins him to the wall  between the elevators in an instant.

"Let me go, how dare you? I won't let this slide. I..."

Li  Cheng punches his face before he can say anything more. And punches him  again and again until Gao spits out blood and drops to the floor.

"Ok! Ok! Please stop! I'll tell you." he coughs.

"Where is he?" Li Cheng grabs his hair and glares at him.

"He...he's  in Room 1309. He's asleep. He was not well, and wanted to sleep, so I  brought him here. Nothing else happened. You have to believe me."

Li Cheng gets up taking the key and leaving Gao on the floor. He kicks him in the gut...twice...before running towards the room.

Li  Cheng hopes against hope that Mu Ren is fine and the Bastard was  actually telling the truth, however nothing could have prepared him for  what he saw when he opened the locked door. The scene in front of him  was worse than anything he had ever imagined.

Mu Ren was lying naked on the bed, curled up into a ball, writhing in pain and crying.

Tears  welled up in his eyes at the picture in front of him. He tightened his  fists and punched into the wall next to him in fury. This is what he was  worried about, this is what he wanted to never let happen, this is what  he was protecting his friend from. Yet he failed him, he couldn't save  him and now he will have to live with this guilt for the rest of his  life.


"TengTeng!" Li Cheng calls softly as he approaches the bed.

"No! Go Away!" Mu Ren crawls away from his touch.

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