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Mu Ren had been on the edge for the last few days since he had seen his video on Li Cheng's phone. He had been nervous when he reached the office the next day. Every time someone's phone beeped of an incoming message, or every time he saw any group talking, he worried about the video.

Though he had decided to not let the consequences of his actions get to him, it wasn't easy to completely forget about the video. He was afraid, if the video had leaked, he would have stumbled again after all the effort he had to put in to get himself out of rock bottom. He had kept repeating to himself that nothing mattered as long as Gao was punished for his crimes.

He was apprehensive until he heard the news from his cousin.

He has won. He has won this battle. He did it and nothing bad happened.

He cries himself to sleep that night, one last time, relieved the nightmare is finally over.

Remarkably, he wakes up to his alarm the next morning. He feels at ease, good, happy for the first time in a long while. He gets ready, has breakfast with his roommates, and heads to the office, as he has always done for the past 3 years, looking forward to the rest of the day ahead.

For all it's worth, his blissfulness lasts for about a day.

His heart crumbles when he sees Gill walking over to their table with Li Cheng in tow. The trio had decided to meet for drinks after office that day to celebrate the grand success of Mu Ren's investigation. Xing Si and he had been at their usual hang-out place for over an hour now for Li Cheng. He finally shows up along with Gill and Mu Ren's other, other nightmare comes to life.

Li Cheng remembers that drunk night and has still not given up on setting him up with Gill.

"Hi, I'm Teng Mũ Ren." he greets her, albeit coldly as Li Cheng introduces her and pushes her to sit next to him.

Mu Ren's disgruntled face doesn't go unnoticed by Gill.

"If it's any consolation, I was deceived too." she says, looking at Mu Ren.

"Huh?" Mu Ren asks in confusion.

"Li Cheng called this morning and said he had something important to tell me. I thought it would be just the two of us, I didn't know he had ulterior motives." she laughs as she kicks Li Cheng under the table, making him yelp in pain.

"Hey! I don't have any ulterior motives. I planned to meet you tonight and then Mu Ren said he wanted to have drinks, so I'm just doing both together." he smirks.

Xing Si gives him a stern look. "Don't you remember? Mu Ren likes someone else." he whispers to Li Cheng.

"And that someone doesn't like him back. Trust me, once he gets to know her, he will forget all about this other person." he whispers back.

"So what do you guys want to drink. I'm buying." Li Cheng says, turning to Mu Ren and Gill.

"I'm sorry for this. I'm sorry you came all the way." Mu Ren apologizes to Gill.

"Why are you apologizing for him? It's fine. It's not a big deal. Moreover, I was also interested in meeting you, after all Li Cheng has told me so much about you."

"But I'm not interested. I...I'm in love with someone else. I can't do this. And...I have to go. I'm sorry again." Mu Ren glares at Li Cheng before getting up. "I'll see you guys later at home. I'll go first." And then he leaves before Li Cheng has a chance to stop him.

Xing Si also apologizes to both of them and runs to catch up with Mu Ren.

"Mu Ren!" Xing Si calls, as he runs up to him just outside the pub.

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