Unknown Love

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Author's Note -

After  watching all the BTS clips, I wanted Wico to be part of the story :) he  will just be the annoying little brother, no romance whatsoever


"Why is he joining us again?" Li Cheng questions Xing Si  irritably. They have been sitting in the parking lot of the university  waiting for Yong Jie for the past 20 mins. He is running late and Li  Cheng is losing patience. He would rather be home drinking with TengTeng  already.

"Because he's my brother and he wants to spend time with me tonight. I  haven't been home in a while and he gets bored sometimes. He doesn't  have many friends." Xing Si states, looking out the window to check if  Yong Jie is on the way.

"Why does it have to be tonight?"

"Do you rather, I go with him and leave you and Mu Ren alone to  finish all this food and drinks?" he says looking back at the stuff they  picked up before getting here, stashed away in the trunk of the car.

"No....it was supposed to be just the three of us. It's been forever since we've actually enjoyed a night together." he pouts.

"You think, Mu Ren is going to actually enjoy tonight?"

"Why won't he? He's finally feeling better. And anyway I'll make sure  he doesn't drink much. I just want you both to have fun and celebrate  with me."

"Hmm, I hope he does."

"I think, he should start dating. If he's with someone, then he will  be focused on the relationship and maybe...maybe he will be able to  recover soon? What do you say?"

"You sure this is what he needs? What he wants?"

"I'm not sure, but I feel this will be the better distraction for  him, he can't just bury himself with work all the time. He needs someone  to be with him, someone to support him always."

"Aren't you...doing that already?"

"You know what I mean...he needs some love."

"You think he is ready?"

"I don't know. I guess we will know once we find someone?"

"Do you have someone in mind?"

"I have an old friend from college...Gill... I always thought she would  be a perfect match for him. They are both movie nerds. I even tried to  set them up a couple of times previously...but it didn't workout... either  Mu Ren was busy or Gill was out of town...but this time, I think it will.  We have to try."

"I...I'm not sure Li Cheng...we shouldn't force him if he's not ready."

"We won't. I'll only do this if he wants to."

The car door opens just then and Yong Jie steps into the back seat shutting them up.

"Finally!" Li Cheng grunts and starts driving.

"To Li Cheng!" Mu Ren, Xing Si, and Yong Jie toast to him, celebrating his win.

"To Sales Team 1. Couldn't have done it without them. Every one of  them." he raises his glass to clink against the rest of them. "I should  treat them to dinner too sometime, soon."

Mu Ren turns on some music before arranging the food on the table.  Everyone digs in. They eat, drink, chat and play for a long time,  drilling Yong Jie mostly, this being his first time drinking with them.  Mu Ren tries his best to be his usual self...smiling and listening to Li  Cheng's non-stop babble.

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