New Dawn

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Author's Note - I'm sorry for the long wait...haven't abandoned the story, just having some health issues 🥺

The smell of the eggs is so exhilarating to Mu Ren. It had been a while since he enjoyed breakfast or even had one to be exact. He had been up since the early hours of the morning - it had become a habit now, but stayed out in his room.

He could hear the door open when Li Cheng went for his usual morning jog and when he returned an hour later. He heard when Xing Si woke up early to have a quick call with his family before starting to prep the breakfast.

He had been lying awake staring at his phone or just the ceiling for quite some time now. He stays inside the room so as not to make his friends worry about his insomnia. They have been the best support he could ever ask for, so the least he could do is not to distress them any more than he already has. He wasn't meant to get better overnight...that would take some time. But the thought that Li Cheng was also losing sleep and agonizing over him made him hide in the room now. At least until he was fully well, he was going to pretend to be fine for their sake.

It isn't an easy road to forget the trauma and carry on, but he has promised Li Cheng that he will try his best and so he will - whatever may, he will try his best.

He hears his friends outside, Xing Si finishing up the breakfast and Li Cheng chattering away. He decides that now would be a good time to get out of the room and greet them. He comes out to see Xing Si cleaning up in the kitchen and Li Cheng waiting for him at the kitchen counter with his plate already served.

"Thanks!" Mu Ren says picking up his plate.

"A very good morning to you too, TengTeng!" Li Cheng says brightly.

"That's not what..."

Li Cheng doesn't let him finish. He closes in to throw his arm over Mu Ren's shoulder, pauses just inches away, then turns around and wraps his hand around Xing Si instead. "I just know that today is going to be awesome!" Li Cheng grins, while Mu Ren stares at Xing Si in confusion.

"He has that big client meeting today, this will be one of his biggest clients if the deal is successful." Xing Si clarifies for him.

"Oh! All the best." Mu Ren wishes Li Cheng.

"If everything goes well, which I will, I will treat you guys to dinner and drinks this weekend." he announces.

Mu Ren hesitantly smiles back.

"Good. It's been a while since we've had a party." Xing Si excitedly says.

And then Li Cheng starts planning the said party.

Returning to this simple routine of having breakfast with his roomies and chatting with them freely, warms Mu Ren's heart for the time being.

I missed this.

Mu Ren returns to the office that day determined to mend his relationship with his team. He sheepishly apologizes to them for all his outbursts from the previous week and also promises to treat them for lunch that day. Everyone is pleased to see their Manager Teng back to his old, cold self. This version was much better than the angry Manager Teng from last week which means they were more than happy to forgive and forget what happened over some free food.

"Manager Teng, you made us worry! I even started looking for a new job." Zoe whines.

He apologizes to her over and over until she and everyone else agrees to let go of the past week. He is relieved when each of them starts narrating how terrifying he had been last week and how they are glad to have him back.

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