Wattpad Original

Original Edition: ◇ Chapter 7 ◇ Masked ◇

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Nothing good ever happened on birthdays.

Eighteen other birthdays hadn't proved any different. Kane's mother had tried her best, always waking him bright and early with a locked treasure box and a hunt around the Iron Jewel for the key she'd hidden. As a child, he'd pretended he was training for the Trials should his day ever come, and those moments were some of the brightest in his memories. No matter how many brilliant moments he'd had with his mother, his father's cloud was there to darken the day, which was why he hoped for nothing when the day rolled around each year.

But this year could be different, he thought to himself.

He stood in front of a full-length mirror, straightening the collar of his new black overcoat, an undeniable and unfamiliar feeling of hope taking root. It was his second birthday without his father and the first without his shadow looming over him. The golden threads on the embroidery of his overcoat glistened with the last bit of sunlight streaming into his room at the palace. The woven designs laced around the hems of the black coat, sprawling intricately across his chest and up to his shoulders, forming the shape of a skull over his heart.

He glanced at the black and gold mask resting on the small table next to the mirror. A masquerade—Flynn's idea, of course. A year ago, Kane wouldn't have been seen dead attending a ball like this, especially one arranged for his birthday, yet he'd had his wardrobe tailored specifically for tonight. What am I becoming?

When he reached for the mask, pain shot through his left shoulder, making his spine curl in on itself. His hand went to the spot where his chest met his shoulder. The pain was just as fresh as when he'd been stabbed by that half-soul nearly two moons ago. He'd ignored the wound for the most part—it was easy to since it rarely hurt—but now and then there were moments like this that had him stumbling into the mirror.

He leaned into the reflective glass with a grunt, propping himself with his right forearm as he came face to face with reality. Chest heaving, he gripped the collar of his white shirt with his other hand and yanked, popping buttons and sending them rattling to the floor. His gaze fell on the thick angry laceration, black as the sails of his ship. The wound had turned this color a week after he'd received it, but now as the pain continued, black veins stretched out and away from it, pulsing, spreading.

"Shit," Kane said through his teeth.

There was a knock at the door and Kane pushed himself away from the mirror, straightening his collar. He kicked at the loose buttons on the floor, sending them rolling under the table as the knocker let themselves in.

"There's the birthday chum!"

Kane turned to see Flynn and Arius strolling into the room. Flynn wore a soft blue suit with gold buttons. His undershirt was visible half-tucked, but his hair was pulled back neatly from his face for once. He wore a cream mask that reminded Kane a dessert fox. Arius stood behind him, dressed in pearl white from head to toe, aside from his mask that shimmered. A ridiculous white tricorne hat sat on his head, black feathers lining the entire brim.

"I didn't know we were supposed to wear costumes," Kane said to Arius, stepping away from the mirror and walking toward them. He clenched his hand into a fist at his side, trying to bury the pain at his shoulder.

Flynn laughed, and Arius leaned on the back of chair. "Hilarious, Blackwater," Arius said as Kane passed by him. "Do you think Lorelei will like my ensemble though?"

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