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Original Edition: ◇ Chapter 15 ◇ Aces ◇

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Smuggler's Harbor


Smuggler's Harbor was the last place Kane wanted to dock. The small island wasn't even on the map of the Kingdoms of Four, either purposely left off or forgotten like Kane wished it would be. He hadn't returned here since the days he dealt with Rove and he'd much rather the memories of those days stayed buried at the bottom of the Silver Sea. Damned fate however, seemed to have other plans for him.

In the year since, the island and its inhabitants hadn't changed much. A couple of lanterns were scattered across the tavern, some hanging, some knocked over on tables, dimly lighting the space. The building, like all others in Smuggler's Harbor, seemed to be barely holding itself together with rusty nails and those inside were most likely still drunk from the day before. No one paid Kane and his crew any attention, their gaze on the drinks in their hands or on the crooked tables.

Except for one with eyes of shimmering gold. His gaze was already on Kane when Csilla pointed him out sitting at a table in the corner.

A witchblood.

Kane made a bullet's path to him, unwavering and nudging aside stray chairs that stood in his way. The crew followed close behind, but Kane noticed that the witchblood did not let his attention wander and remained transfixed on Kane. This made his fingers curl into fists as he wondered why.

Even with the horrid lighting, Kane could see the gnarled scar that that sliced down the side of the Serpent's face, the rest of his skin unblemished and as youthful as Kane's own even though his bundled locs were silver. Kane stopped at the table, eyeing the deck of cards that the Serpent shuffled with his long skinny fingers even though he sat at the table alone. Perhaps the witchblood was waiting for someone and if so, they needed to request his skills before then, but the words couldn't leave Kane's mouth.

The Serpent glanced up from his cards, his golden eyes falling back on Kane. "The tide brings in the Blackwater, I see." His voice was deep and warm and filled with the promise of many stories of adventures. He tapped the deck of cards once with his pointer finger and cocked his head to the side, assessing Kane. "But what is curious is why he would come to this place. To this very tavern."

Kane's blood pumped faster as he narrowed his eyes at the Serpent, trying to figure out what exactly this man already knew. All witchbloods seemed to know more than they should. Kane blamed the damned trees.

"We came here looking for you," Kane said, gripping the compass in his pocket to help calm his nerves. Lorelei's face flashed in his mind as he rubbed his thumb over the smooth surface. "I've heard from a reliable source that you're the best at finding what is lost."

A small smile hooked at the corner of the Serpent's lips. "Your source tells no lie." He shuffled the cards once more. "But I do hope she also told you that I do not offer my services freely."

Kane hadn't told the Serpent that the Ruin Witch had sent them, yet he seemed to already know. Unease crept up Kane's spine as his mind drifted to what else the witchblood knew, how many secrets he kept tucked away in his odd purple overcoat.

"I am a captain of the Pirate Fleet," Kane told him. "I can acquire however many gold pieces you may desire."

The Serpent shook his head. "I don't want your gold, Blackwater."

"I need your help," Kane said, not having spoken the words often. "...Please."

"Did Blackwater just say please?" he heard Flynn whisper behind him.

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